Full Metal Alchemist
FMA rules *_*Otay, i saw that there was only 2 FMA skins here so i decided to make one that is better than those. Edward of course is my all time favorite anime character so yeah, here he is.
Enjoy. ^_~
May 14, 2006 by Kristen Loseth | 204572 downloads |

Staff review
FMA rules what?Fan skin, not too bad.
10!!! ficou muito bom!!! - July 15, 2010 by [email protected]
garyx - goood - February 25, 2009 by gary gabuz
Gorgeous!! - i registered just so i could tell you how awesome this is!!! edo looks so gorgeous and the charcoal ad cranberry color scheme is like my new favorite thing now!! this is stayig on my winamp for a long time! :) LOVE IT - August 7, 2008 by azurien Skywalker
Wonderfull!!!! - This skin is very good. I think this is the thing that all FMA fan must have. - October 18, 2007 by Micha Jarosz
NICE - I would be using this if i didnt just complete my 1st skin ever but this one is very nice i think it is the best cartoon skin there is! - August 12, 2007 by Edward Kouma
OMFG! LOVE! <3 - Oh my gawd. I'm OBSESSED with Ed. This skin is like, the best I've seen so far. >>; Haha. Thanks for making this. I was looking for an Edo skin, and then I see an animated category, and I'm like, "... Oh. Maybe there's one in there." x3 Thanks so much for making this skin. Whoever tells you it sucks... they suck. So tell them to go die in a hole. >>; THANKS! <333 - January 21, 2007 by Jamie Elric
NYA - I like your skin it looks cool, I like the pics u used! I barely watched fullmetal and liked it, but your skin is cool! - December 27, 2006 by Dolores Valdivia
Nice skin! - Clear, beautiful and really useful. Although I'm not a fan of Edward, I love this skin. - October 14, 2006 by ayla estelle
Very,very nice - Thank you! Finally a decent skin on the winamp site! The other ones were horrible! Props for the Movie!Ed, on the skin. ^_^ - August 16, 2006 by Carol Woo
sheez, you people... - you only gave it 5 stars because it has EDO. - July 20, 2006 by miuku homekorva
Is so good! - I like Edward!^_^* - June 21, 2006 by Hye_Li Kim
FMA - I\'m a big fan of FMA, and thus I have a ton of FMA skins. This skin is now one of the best I have. I give it 5 for the looks and the good work. - June 20, 2006 by Aero Tech846
This is great!!! - As a fan of Full Metal Alchemist, I love Edward the most!!!! I am so glad to find such a beautiful skin! The skin is great not only for the chracter in it but also the color! (Red looks so perfect with the color of grey!!) Thanks for providing me with such a beaufiful skin!^^ - May 16, 2006 by Sundy Yu