another skin
another skinJuly 17, 2005 by a h | 461050 downloads |

Staff review
Very nice detail and good animations. Worth a download.
very goood - very good prefec - February 21, 2007 by sezgin mete
Excellent details. - My current skin. Very, very cool!! - February 21, 2007 by Lauren McNeely
Wonderfull - This skin is simply awesome, inventive, original and yet very functional. [+fav] This one is definitly a must have! - February 13, 2007 by Nicolas Lavergne
Fortesque - Excellent skin - June 24, 2006 by Astrane 436_4
Nice - nice detail and colours, looks liek a ghost train theme. Very contrasting and surreal. - September 19, 2005 by Colin Weaver
Excellent, excellent skin - The world needs more skins like this. I love the gears in the background and I love the EQ on-auto buttons also. Keep it up. - September 15, 2005 by Luigi Hann
Its ok - I think that it is a good skin its new and creative. overal i like it. the only drag is that the media library sucks. it just plain sucks. but for all your efort on the man eq and playlist i will give you a 4 - July 28, 2005 by cdsboy none