Donkey Kong Handheld
Donkey Kong
Donkey KongIan Dyer's Comments:
Retro 80s skinning at its finest
August 16, 2006 by Nullsoft Classicz | 51132 downloads |

Staff review
Thank you for your submission, I used to have one of these when I was a kid, traded it for PacMan...
Original design by Ian Dyer
WA5 update by Jones
How old am I?!? - Wow, thanks for this splendid skin! Brings back a huge blast of nostalgia from the early 80s, I used to love Nintendo Game&Watch series games.It's also very practical thanks to clear display. Five stars for this one. - November 9, 2007 by Kari Kannasoja
very nice - reminds me of skins way back when based on the old fat grey game boy. - December 4, 2006 by Ellis Kim
Cool - is very cool skin for Winanp!! The orange color contrast with the gray of screen. - August 23, 2006 by Leonardo Stuginski