Featured Skin, May 1, 2003.The Official skin. Done for, the number one online forum for developing graphical artist.
Download skinApril 30, 2003 by D Robinson | 776584 downloads |

Staff review
The Official skinStylish and very nicely done
Oh, No. Flashbacks! - This looks like a skin worth trying. I almost totally ran away from this one as the name very closely resembles where I went to college. ( Good times! - September 3, 2006 by Doug Elkins
Very functional - But the design looks ugly - March 10, 2005 by Prashanth Srinivasan
amazing - this is a great skin its simple elegant a perfect blend of form and function - February 4, 2004 by tom dickandharry
perfect - I like the skin . It's simple , I like simple , and beautiful. One perfect skin . - October 12, 2003 by gong aiguo
it's lovely! - It's wonderful,very nice! I like it! - September 21, 2003 by shen jiajia
Another GREAT Skin - Thank for this awesome skin. In really running it through it's paces, it never had a glitch. Wow! Talk about a nice selection of colors, too. Well done! - August 31, 2003 by Cole Ruddick
Just Nice... - Easy to use and less function... - July 12, 2003 by hafiz hamzah
Not Bad - not bad but it could be better , mabey a little more shape - July 2, 2003 by Greg Babula
sweet - nice looking skin, coding is rock solid!! - June 18, 2003 by QuadHeliX Barber
Love the colors! - Finally! MMD3 has some serious competition! - June 4, 2003 by Blue Eagle
Nice, but - I didn't like how the "about" thing popped up. If I wanted to know, I would have found it myself.. I don't like unwanted ads, that is what it is. :o( I also don't like how the text kind of floats over the graphics. By text I mean the title of the song, etc. You should have made the area for text about 5 pixels larger, or specified that the text only fill a space 5 pixels smaller than it filled. Other than that I love the colors, blends in nice with my background and works really well. - May 29, 2003 by Miss Deceptions
keep it up - this is a GREAT skin. its nice lookin, easy to use, and fast to download. reccomended for any winamp3 users. keep up the good work to whoever made this skin - May 14, 2003 by chris scherr
it great - it eassy, nice looking, simpel to use really cool keep up the good work - May 11, 2003 by aisha grant
Great Skin - This skin is totally awesome, I totally recomend this to anyone who uses winamp3 - May 10, 2003 by David VanderHoff
That's cool - that's cool - May 10, 2003 by Aygul Sadigova
whoo hoo....... - .....ahem, sorry i mean its 1 one the best skins i've downloaded - May 8, 2003 by Faaez Kamaal
cool - cool - May 6, 2003 by sophie henry
wer - good - May 5, 2003 by Alek Sand
Nice.... - The best 1 I d/l so far I put yours above ECHO skin. The skin is nice, has some originality and good color scheme. I tried the functions n so far all of the work well. Great job! - May 4, 2003 by Ice Jad
Wuaw - Fantastic - May 4, 2003 by Ian Lizarddi
Good Work! - Another great Skin by Vica - May 1, 2003 by -Whatsitsname -
It's ok, but not perfect like MMD3 :) - Some work and you would be better than MMD3;) some special buttons, bigger font and it's great ;) work on it ;) - April 29, 2003 by TheCwirek! Poland
Scientific! - I think that's the one that i want. - April 23, 2003 by Mandy Ho