the ClassicPro Media Player 12After cMP10 and 11 comes cMP12!!It is based on the WMP12 interface from Windows 7 Beta.- [12/5/2009]v1.1: * Added shading at titlebar and shade mode* Shifted volume bar higher* 2 new beat vis
Download skinMay 11, 2009 by Alvin Chong | 501496 downloads |

Staff review
Winamp looking like WMPWould you like to have winamp looking like WMP? Well, this skin is for you. Thanks for your submission.
Nice bright colors, and very good layout - December 7, 2009 by Daniel Easter
Good Skin! - This is a perfect clear Skin =D - August 25, 2009 by tatato4
Simple and clean - Love it!!It is not a 100% representation of WMP, for that I congratulate Alvin, it is better than WMP will ever be.Cheers! - August 20, 2009 by gifboksie
NICE - A really nice skin for winamp! It really looks like windows7 and if larger, its almost identical with the wmplayer 12's interface.A lot of functions that I love are included.I shall ask the author to make the window borders transperant in the next version (if) .. to make it look 100% like win7 :D Great Job and Thanks - August 17, 2009 by manev.mitko
thank - yfrttr - August 1, 2009 by ton_lovely_k
Cool, Nice and Light - redwesley - this skin installed correctly and worked first time.Please report your Winamp version and Classic Pro version at the SkinConsortium forum and we will help you fix any issues you may have.ThanksSLoB - July 22, 2009 by slob
It's a broken skin! ;[ Do NOT download! - When switching to it, all it does is make it disappear. YOu click on the window at the bottom and you see nothing! ;[ It's not there but there. . . ;( It's broken!...therefore I rate it a 0! - July 10, 2009 by redwesley
virgodorado - EXCELENTE!!! FELICITACIONES!!!Es mi favorito ;) ME ENCANTA!!!Segu as amigo :DDiego Gonzalez - Mi web: http://virgodorado.spaces.live.comMario Kart DS: 532692833974Mario Kart Wii: 266433449066Correo Wii: [email protected] Wii: 3845863416784717 - July 2, 2009 by Diego Gonzalez
nice Feature - it really look like windows media player 12 !!!It was Great!!! - May 14, 2009 by Luqman Azmi