Smell good...
Smell good...Lay back, take a piece of cake and breathe in the smell of fresh coffee.
Download skinJuly 19, 2003 by Alex Flamig | 93198 downloads |

Staff review
Great skin,But where's the cake?
*Sips Coffee* - Very nice skin! It's creative. It's simple. The buttons are easy to see. It's about cofee... What more could ya ask for? - January 31, 2005 by Lindsey Faithe
nice! - :-) gotta get a cup now.. ;-) I like how the round shape has been carried through all windows. The coffe cup is great, too... result: simple and useable, appealing+good theme = 5 stars ...also essential for the true java programmer ;-) - March 6, 2004 by Nini ~
Great! - Nice skin, Easy on the eyes and easy to navigate.. Good job! - January 21, 2004 by RC Hammond
very original - i like this, downloaded it to see if the 1st for main buttons would work...any they do, it pushes the limits of the button grid, but it works! very nice job, im lovin the eq over the coffee cup *thumbs up* (i cant believe winamp staff didn't give you the 5 stars for originality!! - December 1, 2003 by Ali Newton (apoplexy)
Fantastic! - Awe inspiring! So smooth and simple yet just awesome. Whenever I use this skin I get the craving for a good cup of joe... - October 29, 2003 by Alex Adamovic
Works really well. - I like the control, PL, and MB buttons; the curvature is a really good idea. My only suggestion is, on the main window, flip the cup around. If you put the handle on the right side instead of the left, you can put the skip right button on the handle instead of leaving it all alone, where it looks somewhat out of place. Great job! - September 15, 2003 by gameboyguy13 (JD)
I dunno - Give it more color, and it's a 4 - 5 star skin. Now it's too plainly colored to get more than a 3. - September 11, 2003 by IlluSionS 667
I just have one thing to say - All you need is Love, Coffee and this skin!!! - August 21, 2003 by Anders Dam
Good Work - I love coffee so I had to get this. Thanks :) - August 9, 2003 by Cat Dreamer
oh god... I so wish... - I so wish I could have a cuppa' this right now. *yaaaawn* but this is original. this is innovative. this is four-star material! - July 23, 2003 by Cyrus Draegur
Wow - You don't see too many new and innovative skins for Winamp 2.x anymore, but this one proves it can still be done. Great work! - July 22, 2003 by Andy Couch
Great Skin - Love coffee too! - July 20, 2003 by Glenn Genoway