Keeping it clean and simple
Keeping it clean and simplethis is my first skin and i wanted to make something neutral yet strong. iv spent some time fixing all the little alignment problems and inconsistencies as you travel throughout the player. all the color schemes are constant throughout the skin giving a nice balance to the skin. please give it a try and let me know what you think, ill be very interested to see how people like it.
Download skinMarch 21, 2007 by Michael Gaglione | 97469 downloads |

Staff review
Simple and effective looking skin
Very nice! - Clean, simple, compact and functional. One of the best "compact" skins I've seen in a loooong time! If it was a bit less "boxy" and included the ability to choose color schemes, I would rate it a "5". Otherwise, it's a perfect example of how you don't need "flash and dash" to have a great skin. - November 23, 2008 by E Dahms
This is simple elegance - I have used this skin as a template for my skin this is an awesome skin - April 21, 2008 by Hank Ritchie
Smooth - I give it a thumbs up. Very smooth and clean. - March 26, 2007 by cthu1hu azathoth