Azenis mimi
New skin for Winamp
New skin for WinampNew skin for Winamp
Download skinOctober 17, 2008 by itemsoft itemsoft | 762487 downloads |

Staff review
minimal skin with reduced functionsAzenis mini pretty fits the Azenis Window Blinds Theme.Nevertheless it comes with a reduced functionality: It doesn't have an Open Files Button nor the 5th Playlist button. The Seeker has no 'Seek to' info in Songticker and the windowframes overlap each other :(
i like this one a lot, it fits perfect, thanks! - October 19, 2009 by nolo2299
Good - i like your skin...thankyou...Azenis mimi.... - February 11, 2009 by docxsz ifaxsz
gh - hgjghjhg - January 17, 2009 by ahmed saeed
ttt - ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt - December 7, 2008 by theis frdi
nice style, but needs much work - I absolutely love the graphics in this skin. with that said, I have to say that the skin reviewer is incorrect in saying that the window frames overlap each other. the window frames behave correctly, what is being experienced is the forced z-order of the window contents itself. for example, instead of the contents of the playlist window being directly underneath the frame for the playlist window, it's also underneath the contents of the media library window+frame, and for the media library, the contents of that window is underneath the playlist window frame !#even when the media library is selected#!. - November 25, 2008 by Jon Joy