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He suggested the colors...he got the name.

He suggested the colors...he got the name.

Made for Axlar (the only lynx). Its a good skin and shows that you can do more than just stick with one color lol.

Download skin

July 8, 2006 by Joe Garrett83141 downloads

Axlar - He suggested the colors...he got the name.

Staff review

Well put together, even though it has all these odd colours.

As with many other good skins, some buttons would need labeling for the novice users.


Beautiful color scheme - love it. Unfortunately, I find the text on the controls very hard to read. I have most controls memorized, but on occasion it causes some problems. - January 14, 2011 by tae

AHHHHH I love it!!! - December 15, 2010 by Forever Chaos

Original and cleeeean!! - At first I didn't know what to think of this. It takes a few seconds to see the method to the madness of this skin. At close inspection of the skin I see it is well made and its the first skin I've seen with this trippy color background. Maybe I've taking too much acid but I think you have something very original. I've seen a lot of skins in the past 7 years and I've never seen anyone attempt something like this. Good Work!!! - August 14, 2007 by stoic stoic

Awesome color display! - Having used Winamp since version 1.0, I find this skin so cool and refreshing from the one-color, single look, run-of-the-mill versions that in the past were the standard. Oil on water...a fantastic theme and honestly, Axlar catches the look and feel perfectly! - July 19, 2007 by Harry Beamish

wow - great skin I would have been a lot more creative with the eq bars, and would have leaned more towards the abalone shell/oil look than towards the rainbow, but i hardly know what the heck im talking about anyways. - July 25, 2006 by Aaron Duke
