I hope you like it...^^
I hope you like it...^^I hope you like it...^^
So... Try it
October 19, 2006 by Jeannan LIU | 132189 downloads |

Staff review
Way too big, and I'm sure I've seen something like this before, I'm sure someone will point it out...
I Think It is a Rip Off - I am pretty sure that I seen another version of this on this website. I am not trying to dis a rip off or nothing. But if it is a rip off from another version, then you either have to take or try to rename it totally different, because it is not fair for the person that did the same product design to get ripped off, but some else who thinks that they can do better than he/or she. But if you did come up with some terms of agreement that we don't know about then we are so dearly srry. Just post it on the page that You came up with an agreement with so and so, so we can quite making acquisation that it is a rip off from another one on the website. Thanks and have nice day now.Sincerely,*Spyder_Monkey* - January 20, 2008 by Nicole Seichter
Spiffy - this skin is pretty damn rad - September 2, 2007 by Vampy bilson
Great skin but, - it's just too large for my taste. - June 22, 2007 by Jack Sanders
Beautiful but big. - While this skin is absolutely gorgeous, and features tons of different color schemes, it\'s just much too large. I have a 19\" monitor and this skin takes up almost 3/4 of the screen. - May 17, 2007 by Irene Wolfson
Mariposa - Esta muy bonito! - May 6, 2007 by maria nela
its sasooooooooooo - i thinkit is cute & some girly ..... look its quit beautiful - April 21, 2007 by saso mag
butterfly - butterfly - April 8, 2007 by hougi hougi
Pretty! - The shape is so cool. I like it big unless like others you have to click on this than that and others are small. - December 22, 2006 by Lydia Wang
beautiful - really pretty!!! pink is my fav - December 14, 2006 by venessa hill
Too Cool! - This skin is too awesome! I totally love it! It ROCKS! - November 25, 2006 by Raven McGee
mettermetter - spitze - November 25, 2006 by pables feuerstein
nice - it's nice but it's too there any way to change the skin color or is it just in pink? - November 24, 2006 by Mitsukai Wong