Updated version of the AS Fx21 EVO
Updated version of the AS Fx21 EVOAfter a week of hard work i release the new version of AS Fx21 player. Many bugs removed, components are now separated, added bass, treble and gain knob controls, added some extra components like speakers and clock, improved graphics and maki code.
No windowShade mode available (i don't like small players!!!). Now the player can fit into 800x600 resolutions!! Optimized for Winamp 5.04
August 21, 2004 by Andrea Scaramussi | 947808 downloads |

Staff review
Very nice.A good skin, but some minor problems seriously detract. Kind of bland interface could use some color themes, and the media library leaves much to be desired.
so so - January 21, 2011 by [email protected]
This skin messes with all my other skins - I like the original version, but this new one causes all my other skins to mess up and not load correctly. Once I delete it they all work fine again. I'm not giving up my Nucleo nLog skin for any other skin. - September 28, 2008 by Mark Bray
Best skin ever, IMO. - I just love this skin and everything with it. I've used the older versions before, just got this one. Amazing!95% of all skins are just annoying crap but this one is just great. Thanks. - August 14, 2008 by Fredrik Nordh
looks good but..... - i have winamp 5.54 and i can't seem to download it for some reason or another and im defintely not the most computer lit. person. could use some serious help - July 11, 2008 by Lord Shallah
This version sucks. - Why is it that every time I try to download this skin it turns out to be another skin. I have the old version of this skin and I love it. But I can't find the old version to put on my new laptop. Every time I try to download the new IIc version it is totally different than what is pictured here and is nothing like the old EVO version. Can you please tell me how to get the old skin. Thanks Dopplerdav - July 6, 2008 by David Gray
opjij0oi - fhibjknlk - April 18, 2008 by inkdg mar
good - very good - April 10, 2008 by lui sai
very good idea :) - I like it very much. Indeed you have done a great job! I like this retro professional style. :) - March 5, 2008 by Art MB
very good - super! sehr bersichtlich und gleichzeitig uerlich ansprechend - February 4, 2008 by Ker Kle
coooool - Es ist sehr gut blo es scheint nicht mit windows vista kompatibel zu sein denn manchmal wenn ich wnamp mit diesem skin starte verschwindet die medienbibliothek und lsst sich auch niht mehr wiederherstellen.Aber nach einem neustart des pcs ist sie meist wieder da. - January 13, 2008 by Kevin Diering
very good skin - i install on all my winamps - May 3, 2007 by miko lin
cool - very cute but could use two improvements: the speakers should be the same height as the main interface, and there should be more colours to choose from otherwise quite good - March 20, 2007 by Moksha Dragonwing
das ist doch cool - also,das was ich sagen will ist: einfach Ausgezeichnet! - December 28, 2006 by george todorov
Excellent!!! - Great work!! - November 4, 2006 by lsdance 25
Great Player - This is a great player, easy to use and comes in many different colors, simply great. - November 4, 2006 by Alan Hunt
Wonderfull, butt... - I am totally in love with this skin. As said before, finally a skin thats is easy to use even on higher resolutions. It looks absolutely great and had a better usability then the original winamp skin I have one problem with this skin though: every second time I start winamp, the media library resets to its default size and position. I size the library just right and put it where I want it on the screen. I close down and restart winamp and it is still where I left it, but when I closedown and restart it a second time, the library is all small and out of position, which never happens with any other skin. No biggie, but pretty annoying - October 23, 2006 by Martijn Thiele
Very Cool - Clean and easy to see,,,very nice, good work!!!!!! - September 18, 2006 by Joe S
In a single word: "MEOW!" - This skin is hot! This one is definately worthy of my "Kitten's 'Meow' Award" and major *kitty hugs* b/c this thing is off the hook. Well designed, multi-color options (which coloblind kitty-girls like me love to see - so we CAN see it), and a very clean interface without sacrificing style or content... Awesome! Oh, and the "speaker" thing - *lol* Too cute. An excellent and creative touch! Mad *kitty hugs* for this one! - July 20, 2006 by Kaitie_Lynn Parker
Great job!!! - Not only beautiful, but also useful! It??s very easy and clear to read and to find the functions, and also reminds me of my old Sansui components!!! Just one thing: could there be an update with resizeable speakers? (I??d like them bigger!) The best skin I have found!!! - June 14, 2006 by Analia Wainer
Excellent !!! - I found it extremely stylish. So if you are looking for a look simulating the old nice staff, that's the one for you. Great choice of color themes as well. Congrat to Andrea - May 23, 2006 by Lorenzo Stella
Best yet - The best for me yet as i like VU meters (needel type), nice layout no over crowded with buttons & certainly not messy. Love the colours the gold with green/blue display my favourite & speakers nice novilty even has its own mini browser. Although there are a few others i like, this one is top of the list for me. - March 23, 2006 by herman munster
This is a great skin - I too have used Winamp for years and never bothered to write a review- but this one has to be the best I've ever seen- I've usually used skins for about 30-seconds, get frustrated and go back to classic- but this one is staying up- everything is big, easy, 'right-there' and flawless. Great, great job! You are truly an artist. KC - March 17, 2006 by kevin carothers
Te best skin i?ve ever seen !!! - I use the winamp for many years - since version 2.71 but this is the best amp from style and function EVER !!! No bugs no things that wouldn?t work - everything perfect. So if you want a good looking stylish stereo on your pc take this and you don?t need another skin ever. - February 21, 2006 by Michael Gaugler
AS Fx21 EVO of the best i seen - FANTASTIC SKIN one of the best i seen this is how skins should look more should make hifi stereo system looking skins NICE....HMMM VERY NICE - February 20, 2006 by and matt
very freaking nice! - i like the design, i like the feel. its like a nice amp in my lving room without looking like a generated crap that i see in here. - January 5, 2006 by John Doe
AS Fx21 EVO IIc - this is the coolest skin ever!!!!!!! - November 21, 2005 by Jonathan Dotson
PERFECTLY RETRO!! - Oh, how I remember having a stereo like this when I was a kid... the animations are VERY SMOOTH and pulse perfectly with the music volume. The speakers vibrate in perfect unison as well. I love the dials for adjusting volume and such.. works very well! Thank you for taking me back to the good ol' days of stereo technology. :) 5 STARS ALL THE WAY!! - November 15, 2005 by Kris Mancuso
excellent! - Damm I'm getting old... wire wobbling amps and big buttons. Love it. - November 7, 2005 by andy davis
Great Work! - I used Winamp for years, seeing many, many skins but this is by far the best skin I`ve ever seen! I`ll never use any other skin no more. Its sooo cool. 6 stars. - November 2, 2005 by Moco Cingula
Many thanks to everyone!!! - There are a new support site for that skin with source codes, templates and more. - October 31, 2005 by Andrea Scaramussi
1979 Lives!!!!!! - Easy to use, coolest old time grafix, reminds me of an old 1979 stereo I had. Very clean and functional ...speakers are so frigin cool - October 19, 2005 by D E
Excellent Retro Look - Great skin for us oldies who like to be able to see what we're playing! Fabulous VU style meters and great colours. - September 29, 2005 by vince Jones
WOW! - 2 hours i've downloaded a lot of skins... but this one is the best i've ever seen! My humbled opinion in one word: WOW! - September 26, 2005 by Dennis Pflugradt
Blue or customizable - This has pretty much everything and is buy far EASY TO VIEW AND USE. Many of those others look flashy, but are pretty much impracticle and useless. Keep ones like this around for those that don't want to hunt through the flash just to find the basic controlls. Thanks for this skin. - September 18, 2005 by Joel Seguin
very well - easyto use good graphic - August 20, 2005 by francesco franceschi
awsome - this skin is awsome. i love it. - July 31, 2005 by Aaron Meiners
Respectively Retro Analog Warmth - This skin is versatile and reliable while maintaining a unified theme and user-friendly options....Nice Work! - July 29, 2005 by Rick Shearer
Xcelent skin - Really good skin, excelent extras. - July 22, 2005 by miko lin
Finally one for people using billions of pixels - Hey, I just wanted to say thanks, this skin is awesome. I run a 21" Monitor with 1600x1200 resolution, so I can never see the Winamp screens. Finally one that looks good, and has features that are large enough for me to see. - July 20, 2005 by C H
"like an real amp" - I like these amps, where you can customize almost everything. I also like that it looks like an real amplifier or stereo system. Hope to see more of these kind of amps. [email protected] - July 2, 2005 by Timestreamer Masa
Wow - Usually I like my skins minimal but this one is so "#"?"! good :) It has it all the feeling, the function and the tuch of an physical audio set. VERY GOOD! - May 24, 2005 by Janne Petkovski
Its realy good - The skin is very nice, I recommend it for everyone... BG: Dobro skin4e.... - May 19, 2005 by Boyan Terziev
Simple and Attractive - This is a GREAT skin! I've been using WinAmp for a long time now - even wrote a "popular" audio player myself but the elegant retro feel of this skin took my breath away. Good work dudes and keep it up! - April 5, 2005 by Victor Zousa
Best Retro - I have been using Winamp for many years now and have never dreamed that someone would put forth the efort that went into this skin.The mindset you were during the creation can only be described as astoundingly unique.For my liking the Metalic Blue skin is the bomb.Someone with your talent should be making a killing designing for a large corporation,with no boundaries attached to your position.Keep them coming and if by chance your genius does something with moving water,I would be giving homage to a greater being than anone I have yet met. - March 30, 2005 by Mike Deacon
I Think I Love You. - I love the skin, and the clock is especially nifty. I think the wood is pretty good- sorry for the ryhme/pun thingymabob-, cuz you can't have to much modern with colors that remind me of coca cola. 0.0 Anyways, I downloaded this a long time ago but I deleted winamp for space and blaaah I couldn't find it for so long. Whoot, I did. - March 20, 2005 by Katana Akaissei
Excellent! - Hey there! Love the skin. Makes a nice change from the others as its easy to use and appealing. I just love the speakers! Everything on it is fantastic apart from one thing... How you do minimise it? (besides right click on the task bar) At work sometimes I need to put winamp aside for a while. I also find that it doesn't save settings on the media library window. Just a few things there, other than that - The best skin out! - March 17, 2005 by Martin Eadie
Excellent - Beautiful skin, colourful, high tech, clean device with lots of options. Skin is proportional (unlike all other realistic devices) and a joy to use. Excellent displays, vu meters, speakers, knobs, it\'s just all perfect. Recommended++ - March 13, 2005 by Peter Glenn
love it love it love it!!! - I ve been using your "music proccessor lite" until today. I liked the fact that the 3 most imortant items were alwys displayed on the MP lite, but this one....well, this one puts mp lite to shame!!! I love the fact that all the windows/components can fit on any size screen without too much difficulty. When I am promoting Winamp..this will be the skin that I use to show new people all that win amp can be. one thing, I think many skin artist forget that many women use winamp too, being a girly-girl, i was truley hoping to find a pinkish hue in your color choices, but I will make due....this skin is beautifu! - March 2, 2005 by Zoe_Estelle Wells
The best I've found so far! - This skin is so smooth, so easy to use, so easy on the eyes, and perfectly captures my nostalgic feelings for an old, kickass amp we had when I was a kid. The little extras like the clock and the speakers are also a nice touch. Well crafted; I had to write a review! - February 27, 2005 by Jason Erickson
Yo :)) - Nice look !!! so...eqaualizers are simply but nice !! - February 6, 2005 by Piotr Lek
Simply the best !!! - This is surely the best skin for winamp I've seen. Very good work! Abdel - January 18, 2005 by tomato ketchup
problems - This is the best skin ever,i have it 4-5 months,but since yesterday when I open player with AS Fx21 EVO skin,it not load speakers and clock box.I tryed to download again,but same problem.HELP! - January 17, 2005 by Miroslav Kasap
Best Skin for 2004 - In my 5+ years of using WinAmp I have never seen a cleaner interface that is simple to use as this skin. It gets straight to the point without any of the frills I've seen in other skins. Ease of use for the menu and really for once readable text without having to doubling the size. This skin should set the example for all future skins ! - January 17, 2005 by Joseph LaBelle
Skin Rating - A very Cool , Clear & Easy To Use Skin - January 8, 2005 by Rayyan Zouqash
Supper - This skin in great ..i'v been using it for about a yr now..owsome job - January 7, 2005 by dima bogo
Great looks! - Great looks! It's kinda big... BUT I DON'T CARE =D because its so beautiful! (Speakers are GREAT!) - January 4, 2005 by Otto vanZanten
Perfect - This is the greatest skin i ever had... I like the clock too. Thanks! - December 29, 2004 by satya namak
Near Perfect! - This skin is the total shizz-nit! There are a few minor problems as mentioned by some of the reviews but unless you are keeping your eyes peeled for them they aren't even a minor annoyance. I'll be running this skin. Excellent job! - December 16, 2004 by Tom Graham
This is one of the best skins ever! - Wow, Man, This skin rocks, Its the best ever, Cingratualtions! It takes Winamp to a whole new level! - December 16, 2004 by GARETH HALE
quite nicely done! - This skin is quite nicely done. Tight graphix. Two minus points: 1. all windows load in the top left of my screen, including the two speakers. 2. Left and right speaker move at the same time... Greetz, DJ Zan - December 13, 2004 by Jean Waucomont
Simply REAL! - Really the best !!!!!!!! **** GREAT **** The ITALIAN DESIGN RULES WINAMP! VU Meters are PERFECT and the lighted color for the background are really RETRO STYLE !!!!!! Let me say a word in Italian: ANDREA SEI UN GRANDE! - December 11, 2004 by Michele Martini
best - best skin ever created! congratulations!!!!!! winamp rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooools!!!!! - December 5, 2004 by Jericho Xplode
back to the 80's - swear to god, my folks had a stereo that looked *exactly* like this when i was growing up. in fact, i think they still have it. [grin] great for nostaliga and easy to use. - November 27, 2004 by twiffer theGnu
Awesome! - This is the best skin I have seen and I have downloaded hundreds. At last a skin with big,easy buttons and a simple yet beautiful interface. I am puzzled though. Where is the minimize button. For now, I will live without it, but I hope new versions will have it included. Great job Andrea! - November 27, 2004 by T Lister
Great Skin - Great skin , my only complaint is that some of the text on the skin is hard to read . - November 24, 2004 by fred falcon
- cool - November 16, 2004 by Sabau Andrei
NICE !!! - i really like this skin, keep on the good work ;-) gets 5 stars GreeTz, M4TT - November 11, 2004 by M4TT none
and one huge oversite - Beautiful, sleek -- intriguing, even. But where the FAWK is the minimize button? - October 31, 2004 by sarah jeanne
Good Work - This is a great/awesome/crazy cool skin. Keep up the good work, Mr. Programmer Guy! - October 28, 2004 by Evan Hemsley
Yay! - I really like this. And I worship you for the bass effect. I can know pretend I can actually drive while I'm on my computer ^_^ - October 27, 2004 by Nami Kurata
Cool - Cool Modern Skin. Make more like this one. - October 27, 2004 by 2 Wild
Hey, Nice! - Nice features! Big and easy to handle!Love to see speakers! - October 25, 2004 by Freddy Guerra
good - good - October 22, 2004 by amir sharifi
Great Skin - Fantastic skin with only one reservation in that the VU meters - probably the best designed analogue ones I have seen - don't show the left & right separation just the total - listen to the start of Pink Floyd's Money and you'll see what I mean - October 20, 2004 by Ian GEC
This is it! - An enormous thank you to the creator of this skin; looks perfect, covers all possible winamp options and much, much more. I wont be skin searching for a while. If I'm forced to nit pick, and it really is nit picking: the clock is 12hrs out and needs a set option...maybe there is one I haven't found yet. It crashes occasionally when my screen saver kicks in, and I'd really love some bigger speakers than the baby 2-ways. Oh! and the extra VU is superfluous to the beautifully crafted analogue and graphic meters too See! I told you I was nit picking. Thanks s-o-o-o-o much for this fabulous skin, it's going to take some beating and well worth it's 5 stars :) - October 19, 2004 by Brett Tipper
After the unbeatable MMD3, here comes the AS Fx21 EVO IIc ! - All I have to say is: HOLY **** Awsome ! - October 17, 2004 by Alex Girard
Out of 20 pages - Out of 20 pages there is one skin that stands out. This could set a benchmark on how a good sensible skin should be... Good Effort. - October 13, 2004 by Roy Venning
Unable to use - Hi da, It is an excellent skin. But unfortunately I am unable to use this skin. I use Winamp 2.80 version. Can someone pls help. - October 6, 2004 by Alex W
AS Fx21 EVO IIc - Great skin. Great selection of colours. Keep up the good work. - September 15, 2004 by James 007
I wish my stereo was like this - I like the color themes. I like the speakers. I like the VU meters. Let's make it simple: I like this skin. - September 14, 2004 by the bonehead
AS Fx21 EVO IIc - The Best Skin i have ever seen for winamp for sure :) - September 12, 2004 by Jim Stevens
Hi-Fi - Great - September 10, 2004 by yeung jasus
AAAAHHHH! - Maybe one of the best skins. That was I'm waiting for! Knobs are really working, cool color themes, doubleclicking the title opens ID-Tag editor! Clock is a very useful feature. Only the old styled meter is not working exactly. Contrast of display should be adjustable. But overall: ONE OF THE VERY BEST!!! - September 8, 2004 by Markus Walser
Good work - Good looking skin with home entertainment center feel ,nice range of colors just too big for normal monitors on 800*600 but it work fine and look fine - September 4, 2004 by Maher Korek
Quite all right! - It nice, I like the wooden speakers, but it looks very huge. With just a little extra work it could very nice! - September 1, 2004 by Ante Klecina
De lujo! - La verdad es el mejor skin de lo que he visto y tienen publicados en la pagina oficial! ;-) Saludox! - August 31, 2004 by lobo t2000
very nice! - great skin, glad to see that you spent the time to fix the volume knob I\'m using this skin for my carPC as of now, great job! - August 27, 2004 by thomas lau
Love it! - Love it! - August 26, 2004 by Elvis Travancic
cool - [IMG][/IMG] - August 26, 2004 by devil s
very good! - that's simply beautiful!!! i like knob, speakers and color themes!!! GOOD WORK!! - August 24, 2004 by John Cuzak
I'm using it with pleasure - I like, generally, old device skins. I think, this skin is the best of retro players skins. Maybe, one little suggestion - speakers could be more matching with other Winamp windows. Anyway, good job, Andrea, very nice! - August 24, 2004 by Alexander Kislyakov
I like but get use more - i nice but i like wat i look for is looks i like it could use better speakers. - August 23, 2004 by Jr Perez
Excellent - I use this one myself as default. - August 22, 2004 by QuadHeliX Barber
Splendid , Magnifico ! - hello Andrea, I find your work really excellent, well better than mine. me either I do not understand why my skin Pimeer has such an amount of success. cordial greetings. - August 22, 2004 by Patrick NOURRY
Looks good - Just a few questions. Why is the libary and the speakers in wood style and everything else not ? It would be better if all was the same. If you have already something in woodstyle, can you create a skin completly with it. I like woood - August 21, 2004 by jr Heuwing