he... nose...
he... nose...Bueno mucho para decir no tengo, es un skin que me llevo un buen laburo hacerlo, y espero que les guste tanto como a m?!
Quiero agradecer a Eliseo Quirarte, creador de TITANIUM, por haberme aclarado unas dudas con respecto a un problema que me surgi? con el skin.
May 7, 2005 by Leandro Cortese | 414643 downloads |
Staff review
Not bad, but do something with the green text in the video window.
Is there am English version of this? - November 30, 2009 by Roger Blakley
nice... but... - i like tis for my tv cuz its nice and bright playlist.. but.. theirs a couple glitches.. if you click just right of the "open" button, its a blank button, but it clicks the Randomize Button.. i lmiss the color built in AVS deal tho.. its very easy to see on my TV (i have tv out on video card). .and ver few skins can you acually READ the playlist! .. ty - June 15, 2005 by kevin shorty
nice =) - mycket fin :) - May 31, 2005 by Andreas Qvarre
Enorme Skin - Hola soy Eliseo Quirarte autor de TITANIUM. Esta caratula es un ejemplo del buen trabajo que aun se puede hacer en estilo clasico, ni yo le moveria nada ! Exelente trabajo Leandro Cortese felicidades y gracias por tus comentarios. - May 26, 2005 by Eliseo Quirarte
Great skin - ??Muy buen dise?o, y adem?s en espa?ol!! :D Enhorabuena al creador. - May 26, 2005 by David Pozo Navarro
yeah :-) - ?f only beat?ful me too - May 22, 2005 by enes erdil
Stunning - A beautiful eye-catching skin that teaches you spanish. Great look and perfect functionality. Good work! - May 20, 2005 by Ken Snyder
VERY VERY NICE - i fuck it :P so nice it is - May 20, 2005 by jan l
it works - this is nice looking and it works :) - May 12, 2005 by pat lat
Muy bueno che! - Muy bueno che! Que bueno que es encontrar skinners argentinos por aca. Buenos detalles! - May 10, 2005 by Veronica Mogni