Those who liked Marine, but didnt like all that blue.
Those who liked Marine, but didnt like all that blue.The 5th and finaly.. last color. I would of ended with 3 colors, but 2 people requested I make 2 different colors.
Download skinApril 20, 2004 by >:u Smith | 363115 downloads |

Staff review
More retro appeal goodness.Just another color.
Nice and Clean!! - This skin have two things I really love... 1) Nice "Classic Visualization screen" (osciliscope/spectrum analyzer)... 2) The blue color theme... This skin is great!! - January 12, 2007 by Felipe Toledo
Good Skin and colors!!! - Hi everybody!!! I really like the objective of all this AEON Skins. Good proposal for all the colors . Congratulations. Thanks !!! - April 22, 2004 by Eduardo Dallana