Player for Genesis music (*.gym). YMAMP is written by Marp, ripped by Tom
Player for Genesis music (*.gym). YMAMP is written by Marp, ripped by TomYMAMP is a WinAMP plugin that plays CYM and GYM log files produced by theemulators Callus and Genecyst. A Pentium 200MHz or faster is recommended forusing YMAMP./////////////////////Tested with Winamp 2.80, Gens 2.11, Windows Me in my Celeron 700works ok.Plug-in founded at www.zophar.net(Zophar's domain, you can found some gym's here if you don't want to dump with Gens)*.cym (Callus) unused, what's is that?
Download pluginDecember 16, 2002 by Tom Maneiro | 29801 downloads |

Staff review
Plays your Genesis filesUnable to test due to lack of the right file type.
~~???~download YMAMP now~???~~ - This is the best you can play any of your Genesis and if you don't have any go http://www.zophar.net/music.html or google .gym music. this plug-in works seemlessly so get now. why you still reading this download YMAMP! - December 22, 2005 by brad daley
What a plugin! - A good plugin for winamp that actually works. There are lots of configurable options. Shame you can't change the speed, as the GYM files I log are a bit fast for editing. - October 7, 2004 by Inventive Software
This is Great - Works wonders for me, I convert .gym and .spc files to midi. I don't know where I would be without my wonderful YNAMP. - August 30, 2004 by Junko Saotome
YMAMP - Fantastic! Now I can listen to all the sega tunes! Although lot's of the songs on the net are not exactly like the original. I have notice that some sounds are missing or not linked correctly. But that has nothing to do with this plugin's performance. It works perfectly! - April 12, 2003 by Joe Cool