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WinAMP Playlist Cue Program & MiniDisc Recording Tool

WinAMP Playlist Cue Program & MiniDisc Recording Tool

WinCue is a playlist manager and MiniDisc recording tool for WinAMP. It is a WinAMP general purpose plug-in which makes it easier to manage your media file collection and record MiniDiscs, using an internal Media Library or external playlist files.The Media Library consists of any number of specified folders on your computer. When the Media Library is loaded, the folders are scanned, and all the media files are listed in WinCue. This makes it easier to keep track of a large media file collection that might be spread over several drives and directories.WinCue also features something called DelayPlay, simplifying MiniDisc recording by inserting a user-defined delay between each song in a playlist. This can be used to make the MiniDisc recorder automatically insert track marks between each song.

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April 14, 2003 by Anders Sandvig106339 downloads

WinCue_1_35 - WinAMP Playlist Cue Program & MiniDisc Recording Tool

Staff review


Very handy organizational tool for cueing your music. Allows you to load and sort your playlist files...or a media directory (place where your mp3 files reside). Also gives you the option of adding a delay between tracks...great for recording to external media.


Great Tool - Great Tool for enqueue a titel as next - January 16, 2006 by Ein irvin

So neat, so useful, so much 5 Stars - I'm using WinCue for about two years now and it's definitively the most useful plug-in I know. If you have a large collection of mp3s and are looking for a specific title, artist or album title, just type it into the search box and with each character you type in, the result list becomes more short for convenient isolation of the correct song. This is my absolute favourite plug-in and once you have installed it you will never want to miss it again. Without a doubt that's worth 5 Stars. Only a feature request to add for future versions: A checkbox "fuzzy search" and perhaps a wildcard (*) search would be great. But it's absolutely worth 5 start without it, too! Checkout for newer versions (08/2004 is 1.40). - September 1, 2004 by Stefan G

Wincue is - I've used different versions of Wincue since 1.1. It has never given me any trouble. Even with the new ML, I use its autocue option instead of shuffle. I hope this five-star rating balances out the reviews from the "I don't know how to install/configure plugins" and "I don't know how to navigate the web" types like Zoso. - September 9, 2003 by Me and My Arrow

Like Enqueue/Dequeue in Winamp3 - After several months of using Winamp3, I had forgotten what features of Winamp3 I simply couldn't live without that kept me from using Winamp 2.xx. Well, I just built a networked MP3 player to mate up to my receiver. I scavenged a P100 box (remember ATK mainboards?) with a meager 32 MB RAM running Win98. WA3 was not an option. So I dropped WA2.91 in the machine and it ran. I put my 3400+ song playlist on random and tried to enqueue a file in the list. IT DIDN'T WORK!!! The horror! I started looking for a suitable replacement plugin for version 2. WinCue does the job wonderfully. It's a little clunky by comparison, but once you get the hang of it (it took me about 10 - 15 minutes) it's just as easy, if not easier to use than the feature in Winamp3. Better still, it doesn't get messed up like WA3's playlist when you try to highlight multiple files! This Plugin is a keeper. Thank you, Anders! - May 24, 2003 by Brady Lee

Great, when it works... - It's a very good plugins, with fantastic features... but it crashes Winamp very often! I'm under win2000, and it was impossible to restart Winamp without exiting Windows session. And now, impossible to launch Winamp! I've disabled Wincue... - July 31, 2002 by Manu Devil

Why should we buy a NETMD with its software limitations....? - With a software like Wincue around ( software....U serious eh?'re not gonna send invoice at a later stage R U....??????) there's no need for a netMD..... EXCELLENT...... Please keep it updated...... U could add the MD Titling feature through USB interface......!!!! For the rest its very close to perfection!!!!! - January 31, 2002 by Luigi Silipo

Excellent! - I'm just writing this review to prove that the rating system sucks. I shouldn't be able to write a review of my own plug-in, and that Zoso guy's review should be deleted.. Anyway, enough about, go visit to get the plug-in instead ;) - January 8, 2002 by Anders Sandvig

*Why?* - Why, when I use this site's Search function, using the word "cue" or "wincue", do I get the response "We're sorry, your search did not return any results." ??? How are we supposed to find a specific plugin without browsing every category? (and why can't we display more than 20 per page?) I gave this zero stars because the form MAKES me give it a rating, and I didn't even download it after reading the author's description of what it does - what I'm looking for is a plugin that will read ExactAudioCopy's .CUE files then find and play tracks in MP3 files created from single (whole CD) WAV files. - December 31, 2001 by Zoso Led

WINCUE ROCKS!!!! - Wincue is a wonderfull invention!!!!! support it! - December 25, 2001 by Henke Stalhane

WinCue 1.32 - All Problems with the German Version of Winamp are fixed with the Version 1.32. Many thanks to Anders Sandvig. WinCue is the only Plugin, which runs all the time next to Winamp. Many thanks, happy Christmas and a happy new year. - December 24, 2001 by Ronnie Saliger

sir.real - There have been few Winamp plugins that have survived long on my computer. Wincue has been one of them. It's the most useful plugin I have ever encountered, despite its few minor bugs and patchy skin support. It's the easiest way for me to locate and play my mp3 files. Great work Anders, thankyou very much for your program :) - December 13, 2001 by Sir Real

SKIN ME!! - Please oh please work on allowing WinCue to support skinning I love the plugin but am put off by its appearance (Sorry nullsoft the base skin is a tad annoying after using winamp for years) :p Keep up the good work :) - July 22, 2001 by Ryan Hardcastle

Makes life easier! - This has no business with 4.5 stars! It belongs in the 5-star area! - June 3, 2001 by Carlos Zuluaga

Wow - This plugin is just amazing.. I use it all the time.. Very useful when having parties! Also, the MD recording has become very easy!! 5 stars to this plugin! - May 13, 2001 by Magnus Storstein Hytten

I love it - I have always wanted to have something like wincue. It is very handy when you don't want to be in front of the screen the whole time - April 14, 2001 by Cissen Pizza
