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Not a real Plugin - a normal application which "controls" Winamp

WinampKey is nor a real Plugin, it's a normal application which "controls" Winamp:

When you press one of the "Audio-Buttons" on your keyboard (like the Play, Stop or the NextTrack - Button), WinampKey sends the command to Winamp.

Download plugin

May 27, 2004 by Manuel Faux27307 downloads

WinampKey - German - Not a real Plugin - a normal application which "controls" Winamp

Staff review

WinampKey in German (still needs better usage instructions)

As with the English version, this could really use some better instructions on how to operate.


Doesn't work - It doesn't work with my keyboard on some way. It keeps refering to windows media player. Even if i install the modified drivers and realy aim it to it. Then it launches winamp and mediaplayer. I sugest you to contact your keyboard manifacture for detailed information about setting it to controll winamp. With some driver modifications it seemed to work perfectly with winamp (without the plugin). - May 20, 2005 by bart plovie

Unneeded - Use the global hotkeys plugin tha came with winamp. - August 7, 2004 by Henrik Andersson

Great little piece of software - It does what its supposed to do. Makes your media buttons on your keyboard work. The only flaw is that the instructions (which btw not are the best in the world) are in German. So you'll have to understand german to know how to operate this program. - July 1, 2004 by Jimmi Pedersen

Sprechen sie deutsch? - Besides that it?s in German its okay. (Couldn?t find the English version) Only one thing I think should be fixed. The play button doesn?t work. Stop, forward and previous work fine, but not play. Why is that? - June 30, 2004 by Carsten J�nsson
