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Connect eggdrop to winamp

Connect eggdrop to winamp

A program that alows you to show what winamp is playing on IRC with you eggdrop. This program is tested with winamp 2 and 5

Download plugin

February 20, 2004 by Martin Kollaard9422 downloads

WinampEgg - Connect eggdrop to winamp

Staff review


WOOOOH - this plugin oooooowns!!!!!!!!:D:D i've been looking for this for years:D thanks Martin:D you totally changed my life:D:D - March 5, 2004 by Groen Pepernootje

Good Idea but - Good I dea but with notifications that are easier and less taxing on your computer, I think this is renedered useless. Unless you want to mod it into a crash bot then fine. - February 24, 2004 by Estepha Francisque
