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Winamp Web Interface

A web interface plugin to control winamp from anywhere.

A web interface plugin to control winamp from anywhere.

A nice and simple web server so you can control winamp from anywhere. Control playback, view playlists, add files from your music collection and let people see what you're listening to. Perfect for setting up dedicated music computers. This version includes access controls to ensure no-one fiddles with your winamp.

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August 26, 2003 by Phil Himsworth43069 downloads

Winamp Web Interface - A web interface plugin to control winamp from anywhere.

Staff review

Nice tool to control Winamp from web browser

Very easy to install and set up. Open up a web browser and point it to 'http://localhost/'... shows you playlist info and allows you to control volume and prev/next/play/pause/stop functions. Allows you to control Winamp from anywhere. Updated version with security features.


Works great for our office jukebox! - Been using Winamp Web Interface combined with the creator's systray application. We use it with four people in an office and it works just great.Despite the many functions it is simple and just works. - June 4, 2008 by Martin dePartin

Excellent - Exactly what I was looking for, to be able to control my media player from a web interface. The only thing I didn't like was in 2-frame mode the icons are much too big for mobile devices such as my PSP or mobile phone. - February 29, 2008 by Daniel Smallwood

very well written - A nicely written plugin, it could do with a little UI upgrading (mainly ff/rw), but otherwise one of the better plugins on winamp :D - October 17, 2007 by soap bar

Useful for Home Networks - This plugin works great. Now when I am on one computer and the phone rings and my WinampRING plugin pauses or mutes winamp I am able to start the tunes back up without getting up. One piece of advice is to replace "http://localhost/" with the name of the computer that this is running on if you have given that computer a name. I kept getting an "unable to connect" page displayed till I realized I needed the computers name. I feel so automated now. - March 10, 2007 by Al Morrissette

Worked PERFECTLY with my PSP - I had downloaded this plugin in hopes that it would work with my Sony PSP's web browser, and it fully worked, 100%. This plugin has made my WinAMP experience MUCH more enjoyable. :) - February 4, 2006 by Andrew King

Great and Easy - I've tried various programs like this one. This one is and easy to install and easy to use. Works very fine. I gave a friend of me permission to use it, so he can download my music from his own house. Perfect in combination with my shoutcast-server. Also works very fine with my Ipaq PDA (Wlan). I can use my PDA as a remote control. Glad that are people who can make such beautifull and easy programs. Keep up the good work. - December 9, 2004 by Nesta Marley

Excellent plugin - Works perfectly with very little installation effort and no webserver experience is needed! Download, install, and add yourself a user account with admin privledges in the graphical user interface (point-and-click, kids), and you're up and running with a world-wide-web control of winamp. - November 12, 2003 by Curtis Kline

Just whhat I needed - this is just what I was looking for. I've got tons of music sitting on my web box and my sister at college wants access to it. Instead of having her download each song I can have her edit her own play list and stream it to her via shoutcast. Perfect custom on demand plugin. - October 19, 2003 by Scott Heath

Awesome - Had zero problems getting this to work right out of the box. This is exactly what I was looking for. There are other, extensive packages for playing your personal mp3 collection over the web, but they cannot downsample the stream to something acceptable to DSL users, who have limited upload speed. - April 3, 2002 by Jeroen Bouwens

Perfect for my TouchPanel - I downloaded the tool, had it quickly installed and relatively quickly integrated into a web site. I access the website from a TouchPanel that is part of my home automation system. Now I can play selections from music collection through my main PC speakers without having to leave the comfort of my chair. Looks like Phil is updating his program regularly so hopefully he will continue to add useful features. Now off to get my PC connected to my home stereo.... - March 17, 2002 by Mark Chavez

All you need to Control Winamp via http - Great plugin - go and check out Phil's site as he's now on v4 - has authentication and some other new features. I use it on my PDA to remote control Winamp in my car. Perfect - February 27, 2002 by Jim C

Just perfect...almost! - I've been using SpyAmp coupled with a ShoutCast broadcast for months now so people could download songs that I was streaming. Now I can change it while away at school or work. However, until you can get password stuff, I'm still using SpyAmp for file browsing from other people. Hint: To use over the 'net. Map some ODD port to your IP on the private network. Then find out your static IP and while away put in http://"IP that the internet sees":"PORT"/ It will send the command to the network and load that page. GREAT stuff! - February 17, 2002 by Chris Glass
