Winamp Freeverb
Enhance your music for free!
Enhance your music for free!One of the best free public-domain reverb plugins, finally ported to your favorite music player! Don't wait any longer, just grab it and fall in love with it. Instantly.
Download pluginMarch 9, 2005 by Kbi [] | 132339 downloads |

Staff review
Reverb plugin thingSimple and works pretty well. If you like dsps then you won't go wrong with at least trying it out.
El mejor - El mejor en mi opinion, es util y gratis, que mas quieren??? - September 22, 2006 by kaizer bernstein
Mr.Alakman - Awesome DSP plug-in.Tnx to the author - June 18, 2006 by Ruel Yamson
Really good - Simple but powerful, this plugin it's superior in "reverb" and won't crashes your computer! - March 13, 2006 by Ricardo Salverredy
Too simple to be really useful - Simple reverb. Works well, no crashes. IMO a bit too simple to be really useful. - October 1, 2005 by Bjorn Moxica
A Magnificient Plugin - Yes... This is a Magnificient Plugin. Ctsnd - September 24, 2005 by ctsnd c
WOWZERS - PRETTY GOOD WORK. YOU SHOULD TRY MAKING ANOTHER VERSION OF THIS PLUGIN. :) It sounded like I was listeneing to the band perform live. WOW! I WISH I COULD GIVE IT 1,000 STARS! :) - August 27, 2005 by Devon Erk
Excellent !! - Just what I have been looking for to enhance my NoteBook sound card. My notebook now sounds as good as my desktop. Which will knock your sock off and rattle the walls - August 6, 2005 by Dick Quick
Can't I give it 6 stars? - I'm at a loss of words... this plug-in is the best thing that ever happened to music for me... next to Yoko Kanno, Bonnie Pink, The Pillows, and Ayumi Hamasaki... :P It adds a whole new sound to everything I listen to. I can't imagine music without it! And, if any of you have ever heard a Bonnie Pink song, they tend to be somewhat lacking of reverb... like... a lot. This thing makes them sound 10 times better. The Perfect Settings: Room size: .60 Damp level: .55 Wet level: .45 Dry level: .70 Room width: .70 Attenuation level: .45 - July 10, 2005 by Donald Holden
Great! - This was exactly what I was looking for. Cool plugin. - June 24, 2005 by Lucca Krstulovic
the save button doesn't work - Hello The save settings button doesn't appear to work. I also don't hear a difference in sounhd. - May 26, 2005 by Sarah Alawami
Pritty Cool Effect - It is actually really cool. I have tried other type of reverb plugins and I would have to say that this one is the best. I recommend it to all who like that reverby sound to their musical experiences. It is a great plugin so check it out, you can't go wrong. - March 30, 2005 by Rody Rodriguez
It whips my ass - Haven't used original Freeverb, but this really rox. Awesome voice effects. Great depth and good quality. :) - March 10, 2005 by Rid Le