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Winamp Enqueue V 40

The Winamp3 Enqueuefunction for Winamp 2.xx/5.xx

The Winamp3 Enqueuefunction for Winamp 2.xx/5.xx

This Plugin provides the enqueuefunction of Winamp 3 for Winamp 2.xx/5.xx. You can directly enter a Track number or search a track. Youre also able to enqueue entire playlists. You can choose wether the next track should be played after the currect one is over,when the next button is pressed in Winamp and/or when the user hits another item in the playlist.

In addition there is an autoplay function which automaticly plays a specified track on startup. The window is also able to dock to and track winamp. You can also minimize the window to a

small bar. There is also a skin support which automaticly uses the Skin winamp uses (not modern skin).

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November 14, 2003 by Thrawn Bing14505 downloads

Winamp Enqueue V 40 - The Winamp3 Enqueuefunction for Winamp 2.xx/5.xx

Staff review

Winamp 3 enque functionality for Winamp 2

Gives you a search and enqeue window that allows you to cue up playlist entries by number (or search for them by text); Winamp will then play your selections after the current track is finished. Also has an autoplay function that will play your selected entries on startup of Winamp.


Awesome - When I read about this, I thought it sounded useless but I don't know how I ever got along without it. Now when friends come over we all pick like 10 songs and everyone's happy, we used to just get up and change the song when it sucked. Anyways thanx to thrawn for this cool plug-in. - August 21, 2005 by Brent M

a bit of problem - It\'s good, I can\'t say that it\'s not. Only it has a few problems that I personaly would like to be fixed as soon as possible: 1. it always has the \"w\" key selected as a hotkey, even if I put another one.The problem with this is that I use the \"w\" key for the Eqalizer, and it has become a bit annoing. 2. I can\'t select more than one song from the list(only all of them) pls help me a bit with these and tell me when an update is available. thanks([email protected]) - May 12, 2005 by cris bla

A very useful tool - I use this tool since the first release of it and it's fantastic. I prefer Winamp 2, because Winamp 3 needs very much resources. But the Enqeue function of Winamp 3 is an ingeniously idea, and this plug-in permits exactly this function. Thanks for this tool! (Sorry for this poor english, it's not my native language ;) - August 7, 2003 by Ruzty Rage
