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Winamp Countdown

Fade your music out and shutdown your computer at a set time.

Fade your music out and shutdown your computer at a set time.

I wrote this plug-in because I wanted to be able to go to sleep and not have to get up and stop the music and shutdown my computer when I was done. I knew that it would be much more pleasant if the music faded also, so I made it fade out. Enjoy! Write me if you find any problems or if you have suggestions. Updates will come soon with new features such as skinnability, play list time calculator and more.... *UPDATE* For a newer version of this plug-in with many added features, search for Winamp TAU 2.

Download plugin

July 2, 2001 by Collin Meyer30667 downloads

Winamp Countdown - Fade your music out and shutdown your computer at a set time.

Staff review

Great little Sleep Machine...

Its a great plugin if you use winamp to sleep by. I would love it even more if it woke my ass up as well. c-


nice one - simple and eaasy.. plust its free.. - October 8, 2004 by Alaeddin Hallak

Just a lill help - There's also a prog avail for downloading at tucows that Does work on winME I believe (just search for Shutdown at ) U can set the time and the thingy starts counting down X mins and at 0 it either restarts or shutdowns as u selected... Great imo, only no fade out.. - November 23, 2001 by James Noub

how to use shut down feature ? - continued - My computer didn't shutdown after I set the time period. So how to use this program ??? Oh yeah, I'm using WIndows Me - July 29, 2001 by Pangeran 22

How about shutting down after play ends - I'd like to cue up a few tunes and then have the timer monitor the remaining time and shutdown after the music stops. Whadya think? - May 26, 2001 by Barry Brown

Muchus Handyus - Very useful, I use it to listen to MP3's while I am going to sleep. Computer shutdown feature is a very nice touch. - May 13, 2001 by Ryan O'Sullivan
