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Control Winamp with your multimedia keyboard... TODAY!!

Control Winamp with your multimedia keyboard... TODAY!!

Simply set your keyboard's media key to execute WinaMp_COMMAND with the command(s) of your choice (54 available to choose from). Dedicate your media keys exclusively to Winamp so they do not disturb any other open media players. Give extended functionality to each of your keys by providing different commands for Shift and Control key combinations. Create shortcuts to execute Winamp commands.

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November 25, 2003 by Jon Kent31789 downloads

WinaMp_COMMAND v2 - Control Winamp with your multimedia keyboard... TODAY!!

Staff review

Control Winamp functions with your multimedia keyboard

Extensive list of Winamp commands that can be associated with your multimedia keyboard. After installation, make sure and go to C:\Program Files\Winamp\WinaMp_COMMAND\help.htm for a list of commands and for configuration help.


I have ver 5.581. Dunno if multimedia keys are supported, but after enabling global hotkeys within the settings, they worked perfectly. - August 12, 2010 by Nizzle

Powerful tool - I'm using a Microsoft Wireless Multimedia Keyboard. At first I thought the command builder didn't work. Then I tried it in IE7 instead of Firefox and it worked perfectly. Very good tool. I only wish that the play and the pause/unpause were combined because they are on one button on my keyboard. However, I believe that's a Winamp issue, because even on the global hotkeys option built-in, they are separated commands. Overall, recommended. - August 23, 2008 by Neal Wettstein

excellent plugin - worked brilliantly. now i can actually put these useless HP keyboard buttons to good use. thanks a ton! - November 30, 2007 by jay chang

Nothing works better! - Simple, fast, and easy. This one allows pretty much any combination of button presses for nearly any winamp function! I've used a few other hackjobs for this task and this one beats them all! Best of all, because of its design this will work with ANY keyboard or even one of the fancy mice with extra buttons! - October 19, 2004 by Craig Scheets

Surprised - This actually worked on my HTPC so gets 5 stars. I feared it might flash up a dos window being a comand line tool but it doesn't. It's also good to have a play function that isn't a combined play/pause function. That's it. - August 9, 2004 by Richard Lailey

Good !!! - Thanks Dan. I just did the same thing with my iTouch. I've now got stop play and next :o) - August 1, 2004 by Paul Nazareth

Beyond excellent - Works wonderfully! I have a Logitech iTouch keyboard, and it has three "extra" buttons; WWW, Mail, and Search.. which are now (respectively) Previous, Pause, and Next. It's very nice to not have to switch to the winamp main window just to change to the next song, or to pause for a second. Thank you for this wonderful plugin! - April 26, 2004 by Daniel Lapoint

Fixed - The aforementioned issues have been fixed. I wrote this program because it did for my media keyboard what I couldn't find in any other - please leave some feedback! Thanks! - December 6, 2003 by Jon Kent
