Winamp Bluetooth Control
Control your Winamp with Bluetooth
Control your Winamp with BluetoothWinamp Bluetooth Control (WBC) is a tool for control Winamp with mobile phone, through Bluetooth device. Tested on SonyEricsson. Need Bluetooth Remote Control phone and USP Bluetooth. Offical Web Site:
Download pluginMarch 5, 2006 by Martin Stoyanov | 126576 downloads |

Staff review
This appears to provide you with relevant file(s) for the mobile phone stated so you can control Winamp with it (is not a standard plugin). Untested so use at own discresion.
Is this plug-in work for CDMA mobiles? - I tried with my cdma mobile. but it shows .hid file format is not supported. is the same plug-in is available to support for CDMA too? if so pls send me the details. - June 20, 2009 by gprakashmca
Perfect - I see someone could not configure... 1) install BT device2) install plug-in3) send winamp remote.hid to your phone (use BT. I just clicked right button on BT icon by the clock and chose send a file) 4) when you'll receive a file, click to use it or smth like that (on phone).5) volume didnt work for me. try this like someone said: I fixed it by going to:Administrative tools > services > double clicking Bluetooth Support Service> Log on tab > and setting it to log on using the local system account and allowing it to interact with the click ctrl+p on winamp, go to global hotkeys, enable. chose action "volume up" and push volume up on your phone, click add. configure volume down liek volume up. Enjoy! :) - July 22, 2008 by Mindaugas Vaitiekunas
nice - Does anybody now if this works on Nokia 6230i? Or how can I get working this plug-in with may Nokia 6230i? - July 31, 2007 by Joukko Sool
existing bug, so i modify it lol - great job but only full compatible with one model...but the image was a great thig, i modify it acording my need's( add a thunderbird and opera link)so, thanks for the image... - July 6, 2007 by g0thic.sid3 Batista
Help... - How do you instal the hid profile? I can't seem to get it right, and there's nothing in my manual about it. I have a Z710i. Please help? - April 10, 2007 by Marijke Rauch
WA BT-Remote works nice... - Hi, this plug-in works really fine with my Sony-Ericsson W810i (after making the changes concerning volume-control and play/pause) It has only one little limitation: With Mozilla F-Fox installed, the Winamp shortcut [ctrl+shift+w] won´t work, because Firefox uses this shortcut to close its window. - February 6, 2007 by Ozzy thaCrash
BT REMOTE CONTROL - This is a simple piece of software for Sony Ericsson phones and works fairly well with the K750i. I don't know for sure if it will work with any other cell phone. (??) Discovered this when I set up my Soleil Bluetooth dongle and was amazed!! However, I have 2 gripes, which is why I reserved a star. a) The display showing volume control is a little misleading - these are set on the side of many SE phones. Works fine, but the display may confuse. b) The search facility is very hit and miss. In most cases it skips or hangs after a ruff search. Overall: A very useful item. I can go on about my business around the house and no matter what room I'm in, I have basic control of the music blasting out from my PC. Something I din't have before, and something I really appreciate. - January 31, 2007 by Wayne Cole
Didn't test this, but a subsitute for Nokia users: - With my Nokia s60 phone I'm using Bemused client. It needs a small "server" on computer but works GREAT! You can make playlists, browse your music directory on computer and control winamp. - January 14, 2007 by Jussi Poyhtari
it works! - i used it on my k700 and it works, after fixing a few of the hotkeys. what i miss though is a "media library" button and a "playlist editor" button. - September 22, 2006 by Chris Harge
Motorola E1070 - My Motorola E1070 and V535 rejects the file, so that is that :\ - August 23, 2006 by Gregor Oblak
wkd - Wkd works o.k on w800i nice job :-) - August 4, 2006 by Tom Cheek
Works perfectly on the K700i - Working bugfree and flawless. It's a HID-profile for the SE-phones, so I guess it won't work on the other brands. Either way, great job! cheers - May 31, 2006 by Jack Bauer
Help.. - I have read the reviews and man i`m dyin to use it ....but seem like i`m outta luck....can anyone help me with this ....i got a Nokia 7610 and a bluetooth dongle for a laptop laptop... i`ve tried everything possible but i dont think i i can make this work ...someone please.. Thanx, gdongg. - May 24, 2006 by Gaurav Dong
Awesome job, thank you very much! - I would like to thank the programmer of this PERFECT working plugin. A fantastic job. Also I would like to thank the guys testing it and providing feedback. To the other folks: Read the different posts bevore asking and spreading the opinion that this tool does not work :-) I am happy to let you know that it also works phantastic with W800i. To Martin: Do you plan to add other features like playback in loop or shortcuts for saved playlists?!? Thanks a lot in any case. Christian - May 23, 2006 by t t
??? - looks well but is this plugin working with other phones (samsung for example)? - May 19, 2006 by vidriduch vidriduch
ROCKS tested on W810i - It works fine, just need to change the volume up and volume down shorcut to: Volume up Ctrl + shift + up Volume down ctrl + shift + down also works with the default media player, just need to set in the correspondent events the shorcut, to do that: select the erlevant event and click on the "hot key" text box and press in the mobile the right button, after that just click on the "add" or "set" button to made the changes! Sorry if my english has bad grammar, im mexican :P - May 17, 2006 by Alejandro aleman
It works! - This plugin rocks! It worked for me by following Ebi_Se Otzad's instructions. Every function works. I had only one problem. I had to go to: Control Panel > Bluetooth Devices > devices tab > select my phone, click on properties > services tab and check the "Drivers for keyboard, mice, etc. (HID)" box, which I wasn't aware of. When trying to do that, I got an access denied message even though I was an administrator on my computer. I fixed it by going to: Administrative tools > services > double clicking Bluetooth Support Service> Log on tab > and setting it to log on using the local system account and allowing it to interact with the desktop. I am running WINXP sp2, winamp 5.13, and have a Sony Ericsson K750i phone. Great Plugin. Martin: Try adding other features, like controlling shuffle, repeat, or visualization for example. - April 29, 2006 by Kaveh Shoorideh
MUHAHAHA, I changed my mind, it works!! - Okay now, the goddamn plug-in really works!! Here's what to be done for this to happen: 1) /It's a quite stupid mistake made by me and obviously by many others/: As it's said, you should set the PLAY/PAUSE button as Ctrl+Alt+Insert. Well, by default there are TWO separate buttons for Play and Pause and you can't set the same combination for both of them. So just DELETE them as Berend Dekens already described and create a new command "PLAY/PAUSE" with a hotkey Ctrl+Alt+Insert. If you can't find this notorious Insert-button because of the genius of some Logitech-keyboard-designer, just turn off the Num-Lock and use the 0-button of the decimal keypad. 2) The Volume-Up/Down-function works as well. But there's a mistake in the bloody Readme-file. The shortcuts shoud be CTRL+SHIFT+UP and CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN and not ctrl+alt+... I discovered it by accident... A happy accident indeed. So, that's it. Tune it up and enjoy your new toy! Thanks to the programmer despite the couple of small bugs! (assuming that he is Bulgarian: Браво, Марто! Удобно и полезно нещо си направил. Чeкамe нови творения, успехи ;)) - April 4, 2006 by Ebi_Se Otzad
Awesome plugin - (BROKEN PLAY KEY FIX BELOW) Even though the term plugin ain't technically correct as this is a HID file for a compliant phone which in turn genrates the correct keystrokes to control winamp. Still bloody brilliant though :) I know I'll be using this a LOT. For the people who find it annoying that the play/pause key doesn't work as expected fix it like this: go to preferences -> global hotkeys -> delete the play and pause action and set 'play/pause' to ctrl+alt+insert and save the preferences. There - all set :) Btw this aint a fool proof solution because people like me with a logitech keyboard break the play/puase button on the by using this... ahh well :) - April 4, 2006 by Berend Dekens
Why dont it Work????? - When i first layed my eyes on this plug-inn, I was Glad:D but when i wantet to use it it didn`t work.. WHY?? - April 3, 2006 by Hans Kristian
Could be better... - Well, this tool could be really useful if only it was working properly... I'm experiencing exactly the same problems as Corin Thrope and I'm using a Sony Ericsson k700i (it was said that the plug-in is designed especially for this model). Actually, the Pause and Volume Up/Down buttons are these ones which I use the most and if they are not working, then the whole plug-in is not good at all... - April 2, 2006 by Ebi_Se Otzad
cool thing - i have written such a tool for winamp(3.x) too... but not on mobiles only for PocketPC... yours work nice! really a cool thing! seems i have to port mine too ;-) greets from austria - March 25, 2006 by Gue Vorauer
Very good, only a couple of bugs! - This lets the user use their mobile phone to control the mouse AS WELL as having winamp shortcut keys. Using this, i was able to start browsing the internet, using my phone as the remote control for my computer. There are 2 bugs which I have found (Using Winamp 5.21 and a K750i) - First is that the pause function does not work, instead it starts the track from the start. Second is that the volume function does not seem to work, but you can use the mouse control to work-around this :D Very good plugin! :) - March 25, 2006 by Corin Thorpe
mr - zdeyrn r45t6 q46t e4rt - March 9, 2006 by marius ASTRAUSKAS