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Winamp Alarm

Lightweight Winamp alarm plug-in.

Lightweight Winamp alarm plug-in.

Version 3.0 Beta. The old version sucked. The new version fixes all of the problems encountered with the old version, and adds some new options. Give it a try!

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February 1, 2003 by scott f.67275 downloads

Winamp Alarm - Lightweight Winamp alarm plug-in.

Staff review

Very useful alarm plugin

This one has many nice options for customization.... you can add alarm presets for each day of the week... snooze time... wake up to any audio file on your computer...etc. Definitely a worthwhile alarm plugin.


Useless... I need to wake up and if it works it only plays for a couple seconds... Not matter what I try... - December 3, 2009 by biggman15

bad - completely bogs down a 2.2Ghz Duo w/ Vista. Sometimes covers up half of screen with multicolor horizontal lines. - November 19, 2008 by Alex M

useless - I use the Scheduled task from windows utility.It launch my playlist every morning of the week.No need to worry if winamp is runing, just leave your computer on. - July 1, 2007 by guorguei ara

Sucks - The controls are nice and all but it doesn't really do any good if it doesn't work properly. - June 29, 2007 by virus zorg

Great, but.... - I love this plugin. It wakes me up most mornings, but it won't run if Winamp is paused!!! I've missed many of my morning classes, and was late for work because of this!! This offers more settings than any other alarm (as far as I know), but I have to dock the two stars because it doesn't work if Winamp is paused. (As a side note, I haven't been able to get the snooze to work, but I really don't care about that.) - July 22, 2005 by Michael Braedley

Nice - Great alarm, just don't close winamp before you go to i did... - March 30, 2004 by Robert Heath

Excellent Alarm! - I've been using this plug-in for as long as I can remember, and it has never once let me down. Truly amazing alarm! Simple...efficient...and it works! What more could you ask for in an alarm! Highly recommended! - February 20, 2004 by Marcus Bearden

The Best. - This is the best Alarm for Wimamp. no spyware, no cost, no screen that pops up everytime you start winamp. makes sure I get up for work in the morning.(and everyone else in the house) very nice. - December 30, 2003 by john smith

Excellent Alarm - Full features and customization. Easy and free. - November 12, 2003 by Justin Montemarano

a new favorite - i've now got a new favorite winamp alarm plugin that is actually freeware! thanks for the great software. haven't tried out snooze yet, but seeing as how my comp is in another room (and the volume is CRANKED) i prob won't use it anyway. thanks again! - December 1, 2002 by Jesse Kaufman

perfect - if this "fucking plugin" cost you your pc, then your pc must have already been a piece of shit - July 22, 2002 by Yo Momma

man this works fine.... - hey i dunno why some people say you can only play 1 a PLAYLIST you IDIOTS!!! sheesh, and mine works fine, never shup and quit whining - June 24, 2002 by Jim DeLancey

One of the best - This is one of the best Alarm plug-ins. It still need som work though, the settings of the time is one thing. You can't change the hour:min:sec without have to chance button/box focus. I'm looking forward to the real 3.0 relase. - May 13, 2002 by Robert Johansson

Almost but not quite - This is the plugin I've been looking for... almost. It has all the features I would want in a WinAmp alarm, BUT it froze my computer. I think it was because my monitor went to sleep. Get that fixed, and then I'll be a devoted user. - March 19, 2002 by Rosanna Somebody

USE THE WINDOWS TASK SCHEDULER - Just go to Start, settings, and control panel. Now go to scheduled tasks, and click on the add a task icon. Click next when the wizard pops up, and wait for it to catch up (may take up to a minute). Click browse, view all files (if you have to), and select your favorite playlist. Now configure it to come on at your wake up time, and you're done! Now wasn't that simpler than going through that stupid interface? - January 17, 2002 by Brandon Dickerson

Still got a minor bug - I wish you could choose more than one mp3 file to play as the alarm. Some alarms will just play what's in the playlist queue. The alarm setting doesn't like to set both the hours and the minutes at the same time. You have to set the new hour, close the configuration box, and then come back in to change the minutes. - January 6, 2002 by Dave Swaney

Great plugin!!! - I've been using Winamp Alarm since version 2, and it's been waking me up for work for about a year or so now. This plugin is great, but I think it needs one or two more features. The one that seems to be lacking in most alarm programs is the option to automatically turn on the repeat feature. I will often disable repeat when playing songs, and so when my "alarm" goes off, I only hear it for about 2-3 minutes (I have about 15 MP3 files that each are 5-15 seconds in length each--very annoying to listen to over and over). Other than that, maybe a task schedule creator (for the Windows Task Scheduler) to automatically run WinAmp at the time an alarm is set to go off, since I often close WinAmp to shut the alarm off (a very ineffective "snooze"...LOL). All-in-all, of the various alarm plugins available for WinAmp, I think this is the best of the bunch. Looking forward to seeing future versions. - November 20, 2001 by Jeremy Klukan

Yeah, now i get up on time?:) - Winamp alarm rocks! (well it wakes me up anyways) I've been using this plugin since a very early version, when there were a few bugs. The latest version, 3.0 beta is THE version so far!...... Ideas: - I would like to see an option to kill winamp after so many d/h/m/s playing. - Multi scheduling? a la windows scheduling. (Even week : mon,tue,wed,thu Odd week : mon,tue,wed,thu,fri) /me is awake:) - October 6, 2001 by Jah -
