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System screen saver. Shows track/playlist info.

System screen saver. Shows track/playlist info.

Start your Winamp2.x. Select "Wascreensaver" from standard screen saver list and enjoy. Read text after installation for short handling info. Should work with W2k an XP, others not tested.

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January 8, 2003 by M. Zenkel11734 downloads

WAScreenSaver - System screen saver. Shows track/playlist info.

Staff review

Functional screensaver

Allows for you to view and control Winamp while screensaver is on. Not very snazzy looking, but, definitely gets the info across. Fairly easy to setup and use; comes with a nice readme file.


useful, but I miss an update - Dear developer,Your plugin looks nice. Great Idea.It was the only, i can find, to show the current title, in fullscreen mode.But If i listen to some webradio streams, which I often do, it will divide through zero.And I have a Question: It is possible, to change not only the color of the text, but also the style ?I, and I think many more people, would thank you, if you release a new version with these missing features. - January 4, 2008 by Christian Haller

Great ! - I was looking for something like that to use it with a infrared remote control and ... it works fine! I use it on Win XP & Winamp 5.05. I don't realy need to control Winamp while screensaver is on, only view. 5 stars !!! - November 10, 2004 by Mihai Enache

Cool but ugly face - This plugin is really amazing, but it looks bad. Large playlist makes problems and you get ugly scrollbars. Perhaps a new Layout with a better design would make this Plugin a burner. - June 19, 2003 by Lasse Poppler
