Featured Plugin, June 26, 2003Control Your Winamp Remotely! Just by Using Your Mobile Phone! WAPsonic is an application to remote control your Winamp 2.x via a WAP-enabled mobile phone or a wireless enabled PDA. Great to relax on your sofa and also a great eyecatcher for your next party (or to fool your colleagues in the office).Functions of this free beta version: Play, stop, pause, skip forward/backward, volume up/down, mute. You can even see the title that is currently being played on your display!WAPsonic requirements:1. Your personal WAPsonic account: Click the "Create Account" Button after launching WAPsonic. You'll be linked to our website that will guide you through the registration.2. GSM/GPRS or CDMA-enabled wireless device with WAP or HTML browser. Please check your mobile network providers' prices for wireless Internet access before using WAPsonic - you have to pay for it (please note that we don't get anything out of these fees!).3. Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP with Winamp 2.x and a permanent Internet connection.
Download pluginJuly 10, 2003 by M-Squad & mad geniuses | 20498 downloads |

Staff review
Use a WAP-enabled phone to control WinampRemote control of Winamp 2.x with a WAP-enabled mobile phone. You need to sign up for a WAPsonic account which the install will guide you through.
Doesn't work :( - The program works but I get a 404 trying to create a new account. - October 30, 2005 by Cliff S
not bad :P - I was really impressed by the VERY easy installation of the software and usage of it though i never got the link send to the phone :P but no matter what, this software is just GREAT. Thumbs up! - June 14, 2004 by Allan Hansen
Very cool, Just right. - I have been using other Winamp remotes for my PDA(Iremote, Remoteamp). They want $20 for the full version. This is free and works great and loads faster on pda. Great job. You Rock - August 2, 2003 by Thomas Smith
USELESS! BUT AWESOME! - You're a TRUE MAD GENIUS. This is SO DAMNNED COOL, and like most things I rave about, COMPLETELY USELESS! AHAHAHA. I love it, I am gonna hate seeing my phone bill by the end of it though! - Thanks guys, you just made my night a little bit later. =D - July 28, 2003 by Felix Sargent
GREEAAATTTTTTTT !!! - absolutely great, fot those users that have GPRS enabled phones ! WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR NETWORK DOESN'T SUPPORT GPRS ?! - July 8, 2003 by Dragan Stojanovic
Genius!! - I gotta say that this is great!!! Just need something to edit the playlist now and were off!!! Maybe get a plugin that can make me connect and listen to my shoutcast from my phone? - July 3, 2003 by janodd houen
Stunning! - superb! i controlled the acoustics of my garden party last night with my mobile! it works great. the girls were impressed... - July 1, 2003 by Joern Menke
Love it! - absolutely great idea!!! I use it every day, cradle of beer next to my couch I dont have to get up all day long ;-) - July 1, 2003 by gregor walter