Voice FX
Voice over plugin
Voice over plugin - talk over your music!The Voice FX plugin allows you to talk over the music currently being played. We recommend using it with our DSP Stacker plugin.
Download pluginJanuary 30, 2003 by Louis Louw | 68348 downloads |

Staff review
Talk over pluginStraightforward plugin that gives you a club dj type talk over effect. When you need to quickly turn the music down and make an announcement sort of situation. Allows you to set the fade volume level, and the duration of the fade. Also has a handy Lock button to bypass the duration and keep it faded.
Good Plug in - I must say this has saved alot of time wasting with handling the microphone the Voice FX and the DSP Stacker are both essential tools if your going to do live streams with the microphone while playing music - July 16, 2005 by oly curtis
Delay - There is a delay in the fading for me, which is not too good when your broadcasting live to about 50 people, What you say comes 30 seconds later :S So after a song has finished, there is a 30 second deley before speach is heared... Anyone else have this problem? Or is it part of the program? A bad part at that... - June 23, 2005 by craig lloyd
WORKS!!!! - All I can say is IT WORKS!!!! no problems at all!!!! - May 18, 2005 by Robert Achuff
Just not worth it - It sounded like a cool concept, but it just didn't work well enough to be worth it. It skipped when I faded, the fadeing was very jerky, and when I shut it off, it froze my computer. - March 31, 2005 by Jerimiah 40
slightly less than worthles - I could deal with it's jerky fades (maybe they are linear, and not logarithmic?) but the fact that what ever vocal signal gets passed to it is droped to -6db (ie sounds half of full volume) makes it useless to some one that might want to be heard. - May 16, 2004 by Cyril Grey
Voice fx - This plug in is great when it works but good job just when i use another DSP plug in and try to use it again it wont work can anyone help with this problem and yes i have the DSP stacker if any of you's can help contact me on [email protected] - March 16, 2004 by Craig Milton