VL Sound for Vista / 7 v1.0.0.17
This is an output plugin to play music using a wide range of speaker configurations under Vista/7
This is an output plugin to play music using a wide range of speaker configurations under Vista/7The plugin uses all 5.1 speakers to play music. You can select a sound device and speakers in the configuration dialog. New: Fixed a problem under Windows 7. The plugin is ONLY for Vista / 7.
Download pluginJanuary 18, 2008 by Valera Lavrov | 167085 downloads |

Staff review
Thank you for your submission.Vista/Windows 7 plug-in to make the sound all much better.
Wow... This plugin is ridiculous. Exactly what I was looking for to play 5.1 audio. Puts you in the middle of the sound. - September 12, 2010 by blyrrh
This saved my day, thank you very much. - May 22, 2010 by [email protected]
nice!, works great! - April 12, 2010 by [email protected]
This thing is the best! Now I can really hear my music from all 5 speakers real loud and lots of bass! :D Wish it worked for my whole computer and not just Winamp. - February 5, 2010 by BliNDFury1234567
work great for me,except when I put slider to 0 in winamp,side speakers are still playing.. - January 31, 2010 by [email protected]
Can move all sliders, but they have no effect on sound. It does however any how seem to give more bass then the standard direct output plug-in... Soundblaster Audigy 2 platinum on Windows 7 - January 26, 2010 by [email protected]
I just installed it - works great! Thanks for creating this! - December 30, 2009 by [email protected]
Just installed works great. can finely use surround sound. THANK YOU - December 27, 2009 by [email protected]
Works on 4 out of 5 speakers on W7 x64.Would give it 5 starts it the rear right speaker worked on W7 x64. - November 24, 2009 by izzy
Confirmed that my rear right speaker does not work in Windows 7 using this plugin, and I get many errors saying that Winamp cannot play the MP3 format, until I uninstall this plugin. Please fix! - October 25, 2009 by Rob
Nice one - This also works with Windows Seven... But I noticed two things: My rear speakers appear as side speakers... and the right rear speaker doesn't play sound. It's not a bug in the sound file or in the sound system, I tested that. I use a Terratec Aureon 5.1 MK II with a Logitech X-540. Would be great if you checked that for errors in your plugin... - October 8, 2009 by christian.gredig
Awesome - Works fine with Windows 7 and a Realtek onboard sound cardThanks :) - September 22, 2009 by nerazul
It's perfect! - Thanks to this plug-in I can listen to music using all my 5.1 speakers. Works with Windows 7 and now there's no awful sound like when Speaker Fill option was turned on.Thanks! - September 15, 2009 by herua_edhil
Luigi - Excelent!!!!! works in WINDOWS 7, great sound, principaly subwoofer. - August 14, 2009 by spid28
Meh - Winamp has stopped working.Winamp has stopped working.Winamp has stopped working.Winamp has stopped working.Winamp has stopped working.Winamp has stopped working.Pretty much everything makes it crash, with a few exeptions. - August 7, 2009 by Dennis Cheret
Thank you, this is amazing! - Pros: Works great, effective UI.Con: Will display "Format not supported" error if you try to use bitrates above 16-bit /48KHz. If you have a 24-bit / 192KHz card, this can be annoying, but not a show stopper. - May 23, 2009 by AMG
SUPER!!! - Thanks for this plugin!!! It works on Windows 7 too. That's the thing I've been waiting for!!! THANKS AGAIN!!! (Masz u mnie piwo) :))) - April 28, 2009 by hdc haRdCoRe
Very useful thing - I've tried to make output on all 4 channels in Windows 7.It really helped me. - March 27, 2009 by Eugene Kebikov
Error - After install and config, get error: VL Sound 5.1 error. The format is not supported. - February 14, 2009 by Cees Pijnappels
Thankyou - Works.Vista Home Prem. x64.But how do you get the damn sub to work with everything else? - January 23, 2009 by Rue Davies
Don't work! - When i try to play a song using this plugin i get a "The Format is Not Supported", wtf it's a mp3! Is there anything i am missing here? - January 11, 2009 by Jeremiah Thom
Best if not a bug - 1) It inverts the Side Left and Side Right channels (I have 5.1 system, integrated sound at motherboard Asus-M2N-VM-DH and running on Vista x64).But this is not very big problem for listening music. The main problem:Side Right speaker does not work at all (some small noise). I tested it with Vista test - and all is OK - all speakers works normal.One interesting thing - when I downloaded version, it was installed as Is there a difference? - November 15, 2008 by Valtar Warlock
Didn't work - Had a fairly hard time chasing it down for uninstall. - September 26, 2008 by Daniel Myatt
thanks - the only way i can use all speakers.i use newer version:http://never.city.tomsk.net/ - August 3, 2008 by nik jo
Exellent - Works in Vistax64 SP1 . Realtek HD integrated audio.This is THE plugin of the year, a must have download for your Winamp.Thank you Valera. Nazdarovije! :) - July 13, 2008 by Angelico Payne
Great work!! - I love this plugin, but (there's always a but) can you make it support 24-bit audio? A lot of people (including myself) have 24-bit sound cards and it's a shame listening to music in 16-bit. - June 29, 2008 by sorcerer lc
cool - ITS COOL FINNALY NORMAL SOUND IN VISTA!! - June 12, 2008 by kameleo kam
Great! - Thank you soooo much for this plug in. I can't believe it. Great, great, great :) - April 5, 2008 by Fortunato Di Donato
Windows XP - Hello, is any version of this tool for Windows XP??(Gibt es diese Version auch fr Windows XP?)Thx for answer this question - March 21, 2008 by Sebastian Hans
Good Job! - Helps me a lot.. - March 2, 2008 by MaxJay P
Finally! - Hey, first of all: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!(Sorry for all the caps, needed to scream that out very loud ;P)Well, everything works for me.Subwoofer volume control isn't an option for my system it never did the trick with my surround system, not even with good ol' XP audigy 2 drivers :PFinally I have something to replace/recreate Creative's CMSS Stereo Surround feature, which they left out in their vista drivers... - February 7, 2008 by Julian S
VERY GOOD. - muy bueno.Sensacional.Very good.!!!pueden por favor,responderen castellano?o en portugus.?Fico muito agradecido. Atte:Miguel Angel. Buenos Aires.Argentina. - January 23, 2008 by miguel anguel vazquez
Well Done VL - Very handy for HD Audio in Vista 32Thanks Again - January 22, 2008 by Michael Metcalf
Excellent! - Great plug-in but like others the subwoofer volume doesn't work. Other than that, great! - January 20, 2008 by Lee Young
please report all bugs by email - please send bug reports to my email box in the About dialog, thank you :) - January 19, 2008 by Valera Lavrov
Exelent!!! - Great plugin!!! - January 19, 2008 by Miljan Petkovic
very good output plugin - Finally my 5.1 sistem's subwoofer is working in Vista Ultimate thx to this plugin. Good job V.L. - January 19, 2008 by andrei p
Cool - It works perfect with Audigy (SE) on Vista. Unfortunately subwoofer volume doesn't work well-> not so disturbing :D. - January 18, 2008 by Victor Andrei Gugonatu