VGM input plugin 0_34
Video Game Music
Video Game MusicVGM input plugin version 0.34 - plays music from video games - Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, CPS1, Sega Master System, ColecoVision, BBC Micro and more. Music archives at and
Download pluginJuly 7, 2003 by SMS Power! | 44840 downloads |

Staff review
Approved.Thank you for your submission. (v0.34)
Better than they're making it look - How hard is it to listen to the included demo files (or visit the linked music archives) and write a proper review, Mr. Staff Reviewer? Anyway, issues reported by others should be fixed because this version is 100% free of DLL hell that caused it not to show up and potentially scupper other plugins. Enjoy. - December 14, 2005 by SMS Power!
Doesn't cooperate with SNESAmp very well... - The plugin works allright, but it kills SNESAmp. As soon as I uninstalled it SNESAmp started working again, so it must've been this plugin. Too bad. - June 30, 2005 by Florian Groenendijk
This plug-in did'nt work for me. - This plug-in sounded good. It would'nt install to the right folder because it made its own. It also never showed up in Winamp's file types or plug-in input menu. This is a major bummer as I am very interested in playing video game music on Winamp. PLEASE fix this plug-in so that it shows in Winamp's various menus...especially the input and file types menu! - April 27, 2005 by matt pavlick
_BEST_PLUG-IN_EVER_ - if you dont know, you dont need to know. - December 16, 2003 by Tony Starks
What was going to be in the description - Well, I have proxy issues so I can't update it... get your quality VGM files at which is also where you'll always find the latest version. VGM = Video Game Music, a logged music chip data format allowing anyone to rip music out of classic videogames. Most existing rips are from the Sega Master System but many systems are supported. - July 11, 2003 by SMS Power!
What More Could You Ask For?? - Ever wonder what you were gonna do with all those VGM files you have saved using MEKA (your favorite 8-bit emulator)??????? This is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Now I can queue those baby's up and listen to them all night long. :) GREAT JOB!! Thank You for this wonderful plugin!! ***** (5 stars) - July 7, 2003 by Gary Pierce