UMX Decoder
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Visit us at Unreal music packages in Winamplatest version: 0.6.s3mnow playing the hidden tunes
Download pluginFebruary 8, 2002 by Sebastian Kapfer | 228863 downloads |

Staff review
Now you can be an ultra unreal game geekHaha... even tho this plug might have limited appeal, it's still a fun one. Something about hearing these songs really makes you want look up above for snipers... heh... what an addictive game. Anyways, allows for you to play .umx files in Winamp. UT fans will get a kick out of it.
WOW! Just what I needed...:( - Thought it would be grate, downloaded Winamp, activated it and downloaded the plugin, all I get with it is a scriptfailure and closing programms with "report to microsoft yes or no" included...Had high estimations from it, cause i would be able to put the UT tune in my cellphone. But alas it doesn't work... - October 25, 2007 by Veronique van Deurzen
This is kool - Finallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy....... A gr8 custom feature of winamp-the ability to play music tracks from UTGOTYe...the BEST Oldskool game (also the most addictive) I've spent months trying desperately to find a way 2 play the tracks on Winamp. Now, thanx to this, I can play .umx files without opening UnrealEd.... This works perfectly on Winamp. I didn't experience any performance issues. This is a recommended addition to Winamp for anyone interested in Unreal music. - November 7, 2004 by Shobhik Ghosh
Unreal comes to Winamp! - Great, now I can listen to my fave Unreal Tournament tracks in Winamp!! If you can fix the track title issue, this will be perfect! - October 7, 2004 by Inventive Software
Great Plug In - It is a great plug in for those who like the music off of UT. You can control the loops and everything. very tight. - December 27, 2003 by Aaron worryboutit
Great plugin - now I can finally listen to unreal tournament music from my desktop! - December 20, 2003 by Maxim Panin
The real deal... - Here are some quotes from SK's README file with some of my own comments to set things straight: "Currently, UMX is just a wrapper around MOD files" I wouldn't even call it a wrapper. They're just tracker modules with a different file extension. SK mentions S3M-based UMX packages in the readme, but all of the UMX files I've come across are IT format, which is S3M-based itself. "Winamp can play MODs, but not UMX files." UMX files *are* MODs. What Winamp can't do is recognize UMX as a valid file extension. "UMX Decoder extracts the MOD data from the UMX packages and plays it through Winamp's MOD plug-in" Extracts, my ass. There's no packaging involved in a UMX 'package.' This input plugin seems to merely take a file Winamp doesn't think it should recognize and feed it to the MOD output plugin that ships with Winamp. "This method is more or less a hack" In technical terms, yes. "You only need files in UMX format for playing them in your own Unreal levels, right? have to compose the music in a ... tracker. Then you can import the file into a UMX module using UnrealEd." This is a misunderstanding. Unreal ships with UMX files, but that doesn't mean that UMX files are necessarily *required* to be used in the game. That last statement would be nothing but logical masturbation except I have in fact created UT levels that play music straight from the original IT files (original in both senses). Here's a pair of quotes from previous reviews with more editorial: "it just cant get any better" "it was better than other umx players" What else are you people playing them with?? Ye gods, the MOD capability--INcapability, rather--that comes with Winamp is ridiculous. It might do well with older formats, like the original Amiga MOD, or simply-constructed ITs and XMs, but try playing anything that tries to use the full potential of those formats, and it chokes. Instrument timings, effects, envelopes... something's always hosed. SK mentions the possibility of a MikMOD update... *that* would be something. So what? The plugin is indeed great idea, but until SK gives it a major overhaul, it's not worth the time. I give it 3 stars because it *is* a good idea, but like SK says, it's a hack. Not that I blame him; making a properly functional MOD player is no afternoon project. -SG - March 24, 2003 by steve goodwin
YAY! - That's what i was looking for! :D ThnX! Gimme an U O// -- Gimme an M \\O -- Gimme an X /O/ -- Gimme a . \O\ -- \O/ UMX. \O/ - March 16, 2003 by Abi S.
Very cool !!!!!!!!!! - Unreal Tournament is the best game !!! UMX decoder is the best input plugin for Winamp !!! CS io?oie !!! - February 23, 2003 by Igor Andreev
Who is Sandman KFM??? - Very nice Tool. Combined with CDex I've got all Unreal .umx to .mp3 on my HD in a few minutes. And heard sounds I never heard before. Goddamnit, who is Sandman KFM (song 015)??? - February 21, 2003 by Sebastian Urbanneck
Defendar - I also realy like the UMX Decoder and MODPlug Player, at Also how do I open the UAX sounds in unreal tournament???????? - August 20, 2002 by jack hemphill
UMX DECODER - NOT A BAD ONE - The best. I would like to thank you for this decoder. I just wanted to listen UMX files without being in the game. And you've just made my wishes true. IF YOU WANT THIS PLUGIN TO WORK EVEN BETTER, USE ARBORETUM REALIZER for better effects and a lot new! About Deus EX music, it doesn't play to good, but hell, it deserves five stars and I will be ever grateful for this plugin! - August 20, 2002 by cigomen cigomen
Doesn't work as well as possible - I gave this zero stars because there's better stuff than this, considering, believe it or not, this doesn't play all of the song. In my case,I was listening to the UMX's from Deus Ex. I found out there's certain steps or segments or something in songs, and with winamp, you can't hear them all (e.g. cool action music, like in the last level, you just hear the walking around stuff) On the planetdeusex forums they suggested mod plug. It opens all types of songs (it, s3m, umx) and I actually got the cool "action" parts of the song that weren't showing up in Winamp. So then I saved a umx file through ModPlug ( as a wav file. I listed to THAT with Winamp and could hear all the cool parts. I compared file lengths and the wavs through modplug were longer. So just do that if you wanna listen to umx (all of them.) Right now I am converting those wavs to mp3 with a Winamp plugin, and then playing them on Winamp, and probably could even make a CD if I felt like it. - August 19, 2002 by Nathan Whelan-Morin
umxdecoder - this plug is pretty sweet, if you want to tighten up your preformance, you'll wanna grab it now. - June 13, 2002 by cathy phillips
Good Idea! - Cool! I've heard some really good music online when playin' UT. Now I can listen to them! Great idea! - June 8, 2002 by Alexander Mills
UMX Decoder - just nothing - May 28, 2002 by mani jojo
unreal - what can I say not only can I play music from Unreal but UT and DS9 the Fallen also some stuff from Clive Barkers's Undying Wow but what about a plugin to record these files to C.D ? - February 23, 2002 by jeff shepherd
hmmm - this plug in is pretty useless becource UnrealED (comes with the UT) can convert those files into .S3M or .IT - January 21, 2002 by BTK BTK
Love It - I have both Unreal Gold Edition and UT. Love the music in both as well as some of the music that comes with that maps that can be downloaded online. Great Plugin! - January 1, 2002 by Tim Gort
a few bugs, but nice allround - works very nice with my deus ex .umx file's. allthough i stumbled upon a bug, it's still a great plugin :) - December 11, 2001 by Kim Kep
Excellent Plug-in! - I've recently become extremely addicted to Unreal Tournament, and I am more than happy to have this plug-in to play my favorite level-music when I'm busy with something other than fragging players :P. Great job, Sebastian... great job. To all those that can't seem to get this to work -- READ THE README FILE. Sorry for the rant ;) - November 23, 2001 by Psumonix LLC
Send me a manual! - Donno Y it won't work. Such a great idea, such a bad perfomance. - November 20, 2001 by Milos Nikodijevic
oooooooooh - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh - November 10, 2001 by Rosds Whitehead
Works Like a charm !! - Really great plugin, it lets you hear all the musics of unreal tournament, a must have for unreal tournament fans worldwide - November 1, 2001 by Mauro Santos
Gotta love those UMX beats! - This is an awsome plugin for all you Unreal/UT Addicts! Runs perfectly in Winamp 2.76 AND 2.77 =] - October 20, 2001 by George Carpenter
It doesn't work - Remain civilized ? Shit It doesn't work with version 2.76 and 2.77 and it is such a great plug-in - October 10, 2001 by Tomas Vlasak
oh yeah.... - i just re-installed unreal for this plugin, and it brings back all the memories of when i played it. simply beautiful, it's a small plugin, yet with unlimited possibilties. 5 stars for this one. - September 12, 2001 by Adam arnold
great plugin!!! - Such a great plugin!! it's so great to listen to UT music outside of UT, whenever, thank you! - August 27, 2001 by Phillip Partipilo
UNREAL FANS SALUTE U S.K. - WICKED! HOT! This music is outstanding with its euro techno pop beats.The plug-in is cd quality.As a big UNREAL fan I get the biggest kick out of this,outrageous sounds. Thanks to the music writers and especially S.Kapfer for this kool plug-in. - August 3, 2001 by s w
This is sweet. - Now I don't have to open ModPlug everytime I want to listen to UT or Deus Ex music. Sweet! - July 17, 2001 by Nate Berens
Genius! - This is a great program that someone should have thought of a long time ago. I've always wanted to listen to the music from Unreal tournament without having to wait five minutes for the game to load. The download size is also a definate plus. If you're going to be picky, the only thing wrong with it is that the music sounds really weird if you try running a DSP/Effect plugin, such as Softamp, at the same time. A definate must if you own any Unreal games. - June 18, 2001 by Jesse Brown
Excellent! - I absolutely _LOVE_ the music from Unreal... Now I can leave it on as ambient music in my room. This plugin totally r0x0r5! +0+@1 1337n355! - June 3, 2001 by Phoenyx Immortal
best winamp plugin - This plugin is badass. Listening to the .umx files is so much better than ones that have been converted into mp3's. A must have. The only reason i gave it 4 stars and not 5 was because i wish there was a way to edit the titles of the tracks so that it fits into my playlist a bit better. - May 28, 2001 by Rod Afshar
the best of the best - it just cant get any better - May 5, 2001 by junaid Butt
Don't need no more MP3's , hehe - Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha! At last !!! - April 18, 2001 by crni balkanac