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Ultimate Hotkiez

Featured Plugin, January 30, 2003.

Designed to be the most functional hotkey plugin ever made. This plugin allows you to define an unlimited number of system-wide or local hotkeys to control Winamp and manage your song files.

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February 1, 2003 by Stuart Bury22785 downloads

Ultimate Hotkiez - Featured Plugin, January 30, 2003.

Staff review

Very functional and well layed out hotkeys plugin

Very easy to use and setup; allows you to set up both system-wide and local hotkeys. The configure screen is nicely layed out; just type a description, a hotkey combo, and then choose an action from the pull down list. Essential for all hotkey fans out there.


Well... - I say this app prolly works like a charm but on my sys (win98 celeron) i couldn't get the global keys to work, though the local keys worked fine. Still, global works for many others i guess. Later and keep at it guys. - March 10, 2003 by Ranger Lacy

Death to all who diss da bar! - Someone kindly tell me what kind of narcotic that Richard Morley's on, as he is clearly deluded and in need of a good stompfest. As for the plugin, the only word I can find to compliment it is FLAWLESS. - February 27, 2003 by Robert Aubin

Richard Morley Has His Head Somewhere... - I dunno what that fool was talking about. This program is definately the best hotkey program that I have downloaded so far. I've always thought that the one downside of winamp was that it didn't support keyboard media buttons, but now, It's the best media player ever! I'm really feelin this plugin, and I really am pleased with how it's working. So, you're wrong, morley, and every other person who gave this thing 5 stars is right. - February 24, 2003 by James Boyd

Privet from Russia! - Cool plugin, very easy to use and setup, also very functional. - February 21, 2003 by Nikolay Gorbunov
