TV plugin for Winamp 1_9lite10
version 1.9lite10
version 1.9lite10This plugin lets you use Winamp to control your TV tuner. You can use the playlist manager, media library or your favorite general purpose plugin to control the TV or FM Radio, or all of them together! Arrange the channels any way you like, make many playlists with specific selections of channels, make copies of a channel, possibly with different settings...
Hardware de-interlacing, extensive OSD menus, video display inside the skinned Video Window.
Supports a wide variety of tuner and capture cards, including all-in-one solutions, VIVO cards, USB tuners, hardware MPEG encoders.
For most current information visit
January 28, 2004 by Branimir Lambov | 540527 downloads |

Staff review
Control your TV or FM radio with Winamp (requires a TV tuner board with Microsoft WDM drivers installed)Allows you to use Winamp to change the channels of your TV or your FM radio.
It installs with a very complete readme file that shows you how to get up and running, and lists the requirements your system needs for this to work.
With a lot of options, this latest version should keep everyone happy!
it jus works - thanks a lot for the plugin. there are lots of "apps" out there promising to do "wonders" with your tv tuner card, but they dont. this one does. what i liked about it:- it did not asked me to provide detailed info about my tuner card; it just recognized it.-scanning my tv channels actually worked;- video quality is excellent.-scanned channels can be bookmarked.For high quality video and a very good end user experience I would recommend this plugin to anyone that has a tv tuner card. - November 29, 2008 by gab k
Version 1.9 Build 10 is excellant - In my experience Version 1.9 Build 10 works well and is easy to use. In fact it is the only way I can find to play a pre-recorded VHS tape that I have: The Puppet Masters starring Donald Sutherland. (For example, VideoLAN VLC 0.8.6c keeps repeating the same few frames over and over again despite the fact the the audio is playing back normally.)However, if I try to use Version 1.9 Build 13 of the plug-in, (both "lite" and "beta") Winamp freezes as soon as it opens the *.tvc file. Then Winamp cannot be closed and I have to reboot my computer using the "Force Shutdown" freeware program.I have an ATI Raedon 8500 Graphics Adapter with built-in TV Tuner & I am running:- Windows XP SP 2 fully up-to-date (all high priority and optional updates applied).- ATI Catalyst software (drivers, etc) version 6.11 (latest version).- Winamp 5.5 - October 25, 2007 by BM Hall
Applause - Bravo, Barnie! - September 7, 2007 by Tony Slavkov
Great Addition!! - Have not installed yet but concept is excellent.If multiple video windows possible then i'm in heaven. - August 16, 2007 by chance hitt
difficult to setup but works! - adding the channels was a little difficult but when that was done the plugin worked well and my TV tuner card was fully supported. a future addition I would suggest for future versions is basic PVR/DVR features such as the ability to pause and rewind live TV - July 11, 2007 by Nicholas Bratina
TV tuner on All-in-Wonder 7500 - I was looking for an alternative to ATI's flawed software. It took some work to get it going. Works great now through Winamp. Thanks. - November 27, 2006 by m d
Excellent - This all i have been searching for, since everyone knos that tuner control software provided by the producer is usually a lot of ****. This little plug-in lets you do everything you would like to o with your tv set... The only bug I noticed (using a background color for my dektop that matches the overlay color) is that, in order to completely stop the application is necesary to quit winamp. Thumbs Up! - September 27, 2006 by Adrian Peter
Somebody helpme - Necesito que alguien me ayude, este plug-in esta buenisimo, pero tengo algunos problemillas con la instalaci?n...ser?a posible que alguien mandara las indicaciones o alg?n tip en espa?ol????? - May 17, 2006 by Jorge Deleon
the best plug-in I`ve ever had - The simple, hte fast ... and it is in your favourite player ... what else do you need ... thanx for this plug-in. P.S. I was trying many 3rd party TV programs, and no one is this easy. - May 1, 2006 by Vasilj Milosevic
playtime spent - nice little plug in but there is some set up fiddle faddle getting channels into menu system requires you to add the folder made by the scanner in the playlist editor (common thing to do for mp3's)then make a playlist (*.m3u)you can edit the defunct channels first of course call it what you want can then navigate channels via the menu system and your made playlist - March 4, 2006 by smega dood
Do not scan - dosn't scan - February 1, 2006 by feng hong
SKY star2 - and open radio's en tv cannel's pleas help me ...whits problem..I will look te more TURKISH channel's ...I waiting for gooed update ....thanks winanm personel ..... - January 20, 2006 by mhp58 58
The site was moved - With a little help from google, i found it. - November 2, 2005 by mar pat
a 5 * rated - a very nice & decent with excellent featured plugin - May 14, 2005 by srinath p
excess static - when i installed this plugin, winamp started to give off a lot of loud audio static, and the tv was not even on. I uninstalled the plugin and it went away...prob needs some work - May 9, 2005 by wwjdcsk K
helpful - The long review of Lloyd Jones is pretty much accurate, I concur what he says on the technical side, however when it comes to contacts with the developper, I haven't met the same issues, much to the opposite, the advising from Branimir has been very accurate, acceptably fast and helpful. I have a bit of an issue on the image for fast moving scenes where i have slight horizontal distortion, but the overall plugin quality is so satisfying that it is not going to prevent me from using it. Compared to other plugings, this one is a bit CPU intensive, i hope this issue can be settled in the next versions, together with the image resizing per channel. On my tuner the channel switching is the fastest (tried many sofware solutions) but slow for the first change. Initialisation can be very slow upon startup, and sometimes I have an error upon restart after playing other videos in winamp. Hope these relatively minor bugs can be fixed in the 1.9 final. No spywares either, no logs whatsoever in my firewall. This is for me by far the best TV software when it comes to browsing due to it's ergonomy, ease of use and configurability. Go go 1.9 final! - April 6, 2005 by Bjarne Larsen
Another Review - Thanks to Lurch Wyenberg for his review of WinampTV and mentioning my own review. He prompted me to look again at WinampTV, this time with an eye to using it with SnapStream Firefly remote computer control. I love using Firefly with computer TV programs, especially ChrisTV, but Firefly works well playing music and FM radio with Winamp as well. I had no luck in the past getting in_tv_1.9beta to record and reverted to in_tv_1.7d in disgust. I find recording almost pointless anyway, since a VCR is still much more flexible. However, I noticed in_tv_1.9lite was posted very recently, so I tried it. When I repeatedly attempted to configure it, Winamp froze every time. Since in_tv_1.9beta configuration opened properly, I installed it again in desperation and then reinstalled in_tv_1.9lite overtop. The approach worked and I had no subsequent configuration problems as a result. Configuration is more understandable than in_tv_1.7d. Removing the wave audio is an improvement; it was almost useless anyway, especially due to synchronization problems with the TV picture. Analog volume up/down within Winamp itself seems to have been added as well, although Firefly controls it better via the Windows master volume function. The magnification option has solved the picture cropping issue, a major annoyance with in_tv_1.7d. The file name in the Winamp player window has been changed from FM: XXXXX or TV: XXXXX to just XXXXX. I like this change because it's now consistent with the format of other names. I noticed the "Previous" and "Next" functions don't work properly with WinampTV by often skipping past single or multiple TV channels or radio stations. Many other functions worked inconsistently between full screen and window modes to the point where I programmed Firefly to almost entirely use the on-screen display to control WinampTV. This approach works extremely well. Channel switching is still slow, but at least that fact has been added to the compatibility chart for WinTV USB FM tuner on the WinampTV website. Lloyd Jones - April 3, 2005 by Lloyd Jones
v 1.9 beta4 Works with USB TV2Go Tuner - The long review of Lloyd Jones is pretty much accurate, I concur what he says on the technical side, however when it comes to contacts with the developper, I haven't met the same issues, much to the opposite, the advising from Branimir has been very accurate, acceptably fast and helpful. I have a bit of an issue on the image for fast moving scenes where i have slight horizontal distortion, but the overall plugin quality is so satisfying that it is not going to prevent me from using it. Compared to other plugings, this one is a bit CPU intensive, i hope this issue can be settled in the next versions, together with the image resizing per channel. On my tuner the channel switching is the fastest (tried many sofware solutions) but slow for the first change. Initialisation can be very slow upon startup, and sometimes I have an error upon restart after playing other videos in winamp. Hope these relatively minor bugs can be fixed in the 1.9 final. No spywares either, no logs whatsoever in my firewall. This is for me by far the best TV software when it comes to browsing due to it's ergonomy, ease of use and configurability. Go go 1.9 final! - January 10, 2005 by Lurch Wyenberg
Winamp TV Review - Winamp TV v1.7d is a very good plugin: it is quite stable with picture and sound quality as good as any. Of course, being part of a super program such as Winamp is a definite advantage! The FM radio function is a plus, too. I'm fascinated with TV and FM radio on my computer, so Winamp TV is a good alternative to my Hauppauge TV and Radiator FM radio software. However, Winamp TV does have a few minor, but nevertheless annoying, problems. Perhaps the most annoying problem of all is the very slow switching between channels and stations; for whatever reason, the switching can be fast, but rarely is. Since on many occasions the picture does not entirely fill the window or screen, cropping would be an improvement as well. In addition, under certain conditions small bugs occur such as the title information being incorrect or pop up menu playlist selection "check mark" being in the incorrect position. The "Always on top" function does not appear to work, too. Nevertheless, Winamp TV is extremely close to being a first class plugin, and I encourage the author to take the last few steps... I also have an observation which may or may not be fair: it appears the author only makes improvements if you pay him. When I first tried the plugin, I was impressed enough to email the author regarding some bugs, most especially not disabling the screen saver and/or monitor power off functions; it seemed almost bizarre that a fundamental flaw would occur such as the screen saver activating while watching TV. So bizarre, in fact, that I began to suspect the author had purposely "built in" bugs to get financial contributions; but since I often use the plugin, I had no objection to contributing (an amount more than I paid for Winamp itself, ignoring the fact that Winamp is an extraordinary value!). The author was quick to make the improvements I suggested and most of both versions 1.7b&c seemed to be prompted by me; however, no more improvements to the plugin v1.7 have been made since that time and my communications have been ignored; indeed, I received no reply when I emailed him after I had serious difficulties recording with his Winamp TV v1.9, finally just giving up and deleting it. Lloyd Jones - December 1, 2004 by Lloyd Jones
GOOOOD - It works just fine. System have USB 2.0 port, and sinergy 250 capturing device. Only problem that may be to some is audio stream. The system goes in high latency state due to processor overload, but this is not probelm in plugin but in usb audio stream itself. The card that it definitly will not work is MANLI USB 2.0 capture device. This is because this device uses some kind of compression and is not mapped as WDM device. Have it test. - November 14, 2004 by mike noentered
No spyware in plugin - To anyone who is wondering if there actually is any spyware in the plugin, I would recommend to visit the pestpatrol site mentioned in the previous comment and see the details for the pest it allegedly contains. The current version (1.7d) plug-in is distributed in a 190kb archive which contains the 336kb dll and a 22kb html file. I don't understand how anyone could believe I can fit 2 megabytes of spyware in this. If it did contain the pest, I find it very strange that I do not have any of the mentioned files or registry settings after installing the plugin. - October 31, 2004 by Branimir Lambov
Contains BTV Dialer pest - I was going to install this when my Pest Patrol Corporate warned me that this plugin contains BTV Dialer Summary: Recent restraining orders and pending court cases against BTV industries Court case pertains to 900 pay per dial charges at $3.99 per minute and fake "You won a SonyPlaystations 2 spam e-mail mass mailings. Category: Dialer: Software that dials a phone number. Some dialers connect to local Internet Service Providers and are beneficial as configured. Others connect to toll numbers without user awareness or permission. - July 14, 2004 by Kirara T
Just perfect! - Excellent solution for replacement of my crappy pixewview software. Replacing the original driver for btwincap driver at makes it even better. Thanks the author for e-mail support too! - March 29, 2004 by Paulo Deleo
TV on secondary display - I didn't belive this could be possible: Neither the original tool of my Hauppage nor MoreTV was able to produce a fullscreen TV windows on my secondary screen of my Matrox G450 dual-head. But WinAmp TV does the trick!! You can't imagine how long I have waited for such a great deal. - March 29, 2004 by Gero Zahn
It's Alive!! ALIVE!! - Just when I thought my ATI all in wonder pci card was totally useless!! Thank you sooooooo much. - March 24, 2004 by power enduser
great plugin - i love your plugin - and the capture audio function is great - it makes me able to rip the radio shows as mp3 and that's perfectly legal :-) the titles for the radio and tv stations [set with alt+3] seem a bit buggy though - but as long as it is only the title and i can view them as i like i don't care - THANK YOU! - March 4, 2004 by albert bonell
Tv in Winamp!!! - Guyz This is really coool.Had never thought that u can watch TV in Winamp. And installing and tuning was ABCD. Really NICE!!!Thanks to developer. - February 9, 2004 by Santosh Hemashetti