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TrackMonkey is an app that sits in your systray, and will send the name of the currently playing track to a script on a remote webserver, which can then be used for various purposes, e.g., displaying the name of the currently playing song on your website. Official site at

Download plugin

November 29, 2001 by John Doe6685 downloads

TrackMonkey - eEK!@?

Staff review

Send track info to remote server

Fairly easy to set up and configure... sends the info of the track currently playing in Winamp to a remote webserver. Plus it has a fresh monkey logo.


Best solution, if your site does CGI or PHP - Seems better than the DWG plug-in, which has the exact same function. The output of this is more consistant between songs (no superflous crap or random tagged-on text or numbers.) Novice coders (like me) may find it useful to use the DWG Perl script as a template, as none is provided with TrackMonkey --USABILITY NOTES-- ((((i)))) in the plug-in, enter the server URL in the format "" not "" ((((ii)))) the script location is in the format "cgi-bin/update.cgi" ---HOW TO FIX MSinet.ocx PROBLEM--- I got an error in Windows XP, searched for "MSinet.ocx missing xp" on Google. Downloaded it into C:\Windows\System32 and all was fine. The URL I used was - August 5, 2002 by Bob Someone

Exactly what I need! - Aha! I've wanted something like this for a while, but never wanted to sit down and write the binary portion of it. Now I can have a dynamic "what i'm listening to" on my webpage, or AIM profile! Only thing i'd change: sends ID3 fields, or something? It's kindof limited to the current title. Only gripe. Great stuff here, for those who are leet. - July 12, 2002 by philihp b

No worky :( - It's exactly what i wanted. But its not working in XP Pro. MSinet.ocx not registered blah blah blah... :( - May 13, 2002 by Rob Hall

lymco - lymco - November 30, 2001 by zak beam

I can't stop shaking. - Using this product gave me bowel cancer and made my mother a cripple. Damn you to hell, you son of a bitch. - November 30, 2001 by Matt X

I hate you Milkman Matt. - Shouldn't you be off drowning your sorrows in Victoria Bitter? - November 30, 2001 by John Doe
