Featured Plugin.Automatic Gain Controller and Stereo Echoer
Download pluginFebruary 1, 2003 by tom st denis | 515834 downloads |

Staff review
Useful dsp toolAutomatically effects your mp3 volume depending on if your files are encoded too loud or too quiet. Prevents clipping and low volume hassles.... all automatically! -dg
It is easy to use, and I like that it gives some visual feedback.An adjustable maximum value for gaining would be nice.In addition, two sliders for "volume slide smoothness", would do a good job, one for incrementing, one for decrementing "filter volume" speed. - April 22, 2010 by Alex Doehmann
REAL - nice nice nice - July 18, 2008 by soon peng
I Love It!! - This does work for me, because I use it for my radio station. Keep those cool plug-ins comming Tom!!!!! - June 15, 2008 by Kevin Canatar
As simple as can be - Works VERY well. Don't know why I didn't look for this earlier. You da' man Tom!! - March 14, 2007 by B Mac
Mmm-hmmm - Search no further. This is stable, easy to use, and works like a charm. Many thanks, Tom. - July 7, 2006 by Kevin Johnston
Recommended - It does a good job leveling the songs, it's easy to use and doesn't crash. Some songs that starts silent and then suddenly go loud, or vice versa, can confuse this plugin for a short moment (2-3 sec) and the volume gets way too high or too low, but it stabilizes after a while. The reverb (echo) function is IMO not very useful at all. - October 1, 2005 by Bjorn Moxica
Very Useful - When you are doing parties and such, you can set it up and go. Downside...some songs are too quiet and it can't raise the volume enough without distortion. However, I haven't found a plug-in yet that can handle those ultra-quiet songs. Another downfall, for songs that have soft intros and then jump in with both feet, you can hear a drastically noticeable change as the volume leveling kicks in. (I guess that is what its supposed to do, huh?) - June 7, 2005 by DJ Sheppard
Needs Improvement - The reason for these types of plugins is to let you not have to worry about the built in preamp. However, I still got distortion due to clipping when running this plugin, and when I backed off the preamp in order to reduce or eliminate the clipping, the plugin couldn't decide what volume to play the song at. I recently decided to try and make my music sound better, and I thought this plugin would solve my problems. I guess I thought wrong. - January 26, 2005 by Michael Braedley
F?r alle Streamer - Dieses Plug-In eignet sich f?r jeden Shoutcast-Streamer, der mp3s mit verschiedenen Lautst?rken streamen will. Kein Nachregeln mehr erforderlich. Um das allerdings beim streamen benutzen zu k?nnen, am besten gleich das "Multiple-DSP Stacker"-Plugin mitziehen und installieren. - December 15, 2004 by Andreas Seeger
Useful - Useful plugin if you have mp3's with different volume. PLUS: You don't have to adjust the volume all the time. Handy when partying! MINUS: Not written for Windows 2000/XP. The INI-file is directly on the root directory. It should be in 'Documents and settings...'. You have to explicitly give the INI-file permission to change, if you are logged in as a restricted user and not as an Administrator. This is a very common mistake by programmers!. Even Microsoft does sometime not understand how their own operating systems work! - November 19, 2004 by Berry Win
useful for SHOUTcast - some of my mp3s are quieter than others, this completely takes care of the problem for those who would tune in to my SHOUTcast station. also very useful for parties, exhibitions and playlist mgmt. - April 4, 2004 by Max ��rsson
Fantastic - This is just what the doctor ordered and works without hangups or weird audio glitches or artifacts. One thing that bugs me is that the plugin does not reset itself when a new track begins to play, so if the previous track ended really loud and the new track is really soft, the intro to it ramps up gradually instead of starting off at a normalized volume, and depending on the "Volume Slide Smoothness," it can take a good 4 to 8 seconds for the new track to get up to a stable volume. - April 2, 2004 by Steffan Andrews
Works great! - Exactly what I was looking for - levels music files as I hoped, no more worry about quiet and loud songs, they have all the same level now :-) Must one if you use Winamp more than normaly. I must note filesize - 34kb !!! One of the plugins I would like to see included as option in every Winamp installation. Pozdrav. - March 8, 2004 by Sanjin Ganic
crashes winamp - fucked up my winamp. crashes every time, I try to select it in preferences. - December 20, 2003 by Paul Popowiczyk
Just what I was looking for!!! - This is exactly what I have been looking for. I can compress the hell out of music for internet broadcasting or I can use it for limiting the loudness with mild compression for the Vorbis files. The best limiter / compressor out there. Thanks. - December 5, 2002 by Philip Walker
Very nice plugin - If it has a option to save/load setting came be more friendly. - December 1, 2002 by Behzad Ebrahimi
SWEET!!... - This plugin brought my stupid laptop speakers to their Full Patentall - October 24, 2002 by Seve Manalo
So close, and yet... - I have to agree with Rabid Rat. A very nice plug-in, but I can definitely hear the "compressor" effect adjusting during dynamic changes in the music. In other words, the parts that are supposed to be quiet get boosted while the parts that are supposed to be loud get softer. I think Rabid Rat was right about having to "pre-scan" the files to achieve the desired effect. Still, I like to fall asleep while listening to mp3's without having to worry about sudden volume changes, and this is the best plug-in I've found when it comes to that. Besides, it IS only 34kb in size, and you can always turn it off when you want. Feel free to try it with some of the songs I've written! - October 2, 2002 by Shannon Morris
Best plugin in it's category - No it does not look cool and has an echo which is totally useless when listening to music. But it does what it's supposed to do really good. Keeping the volume of your music on the same level. You have low level and too high level mp3s? This is the most efficient and discreet plug-in to do the job. I even tried it on a P133 and it worked good. the volume changes very smoothly so you won't hear your songs go up and down like in most of the other volume effects. GRRRRRRRREAT! - September 29, 2002 by Carlos Rodriguez
no good - this no good.. hope u can do a best in world one.... ok.. take care..!! - April 1, 2002 by alvin lee
It wont opejn, or im dmb - how do i open it? - March 20, 2002 by Graz Misuraca
Well done, but I would prefer less 'active' leveling - This is a nice plug-in, but unfortunately it's always auto-leveling, like a compressor, and seesm to affect the dynamic range of the music. I would like to see an option for normalized playback, which would set the peak volume to a set level, and everything in relation to that. I'm not sure if this is clear... but I can hear 'pumping' in the auto leveling. Expecially in passages with a lot of dynamic range. I think the problem with the style I'd like is that the entire mp3 file would need to be scanned before playback began, to find the peak level. This one is simply always tweaking the level during playback. - March 4, 2002 by Rabid Rat
GREEAAT - Great! I love the fact that it works transparently in the background. No dinking around with settings on the desktop visit us online - February 26, 2002 by Jeremy Hop
Works good - I use the plugin for years now (from version 1.x) to the new version 1.5 (which is not yet on this site). Works perfectly. - February 11, 2002 by xalex xalex
The best volume balancing plug-in I've tried! - I've checked out RockSteady and "Wide & Dyamix", both contenders for the crown, but TomSteady has them beat. It seems to use a different concept than the other two. In any event, howver it does, it works *really* well. I have a wide variety of mp3's, many different volume levels, many different types of music. TomSteady manages to make them all sound about right, and using it, I never have to manually adjust the volume of Winamp because a song is too loud or quiet -- TomSteady takes care of it all. I've got a rave CD (DJ John Kelley) that's mastered at a very high volume, and I've got quiet piano pieces by Satie and Oscar Peterson, etc., and TomSteady is able to adjust the volume of all to the same perceived level. Never heard any problems with clipping either. All in all, an excellent plug-in. I just wish an equivalent existed for Apple's iTunes on my Mac. I'm going to write Apple with a suggestion that they take a look at TomSteady and incorporate its functionality into iTunes! - February 1, 2002 by Derrick Pohl
Awesome adjuster plugin - One of the best plugins i've used! could work on the aesthetics a bit, but ohter than that, it's great. Thanx for the work. - January 21, 2002 by Mike L
Damm bloody good IMHO - My initial feeling about this plugin is a positive one. Those low level mp3's that were encoded without normalisation are taken care of with this little beauty. - January 18, 2002 by Peter Shaw
AWESOME! - Tom! Your a frickin genius! The sound from this is BEAUTIFUL! - January 16, 2002 by Garrett Lewellen
Very nice - Very useful plug-in. 'Cause I also have problems with downloaded files. The 1st one is low volume and the next one very high. So... if I were you I should download it!! - January 12, 2002 by Thomas Vermeulen
Essencial if ya have those lousy mp3 =) - Really cool! hehe just cool =) - January 12, 2002 by Rui Caldeira
Great Program! - Best Program I Came Across!!! posted January 12,2002 @10:41PM I think you have a really good program. It's user friendly. It hads a sharpest clear sound then other programs I worked with. It don't lock up my computer where I have to do a complete shout down and reboot. Like Other programs I worked with in the pass. You guys have a good thing going here keep up the good work! - January 12, 2002 by John Rosenberg
Winamp sounds good on laptop now - This is great. Finally Winamp sounds good on my laptop. This plug in is great. Download it now! - January 8, 2002 by Edna Crabapple
word - this plug in is awesome man......i have a lot of quiet mp3s and this really helped - January 7, 2002 by Matt Brown
mehhhhhh!!!!! - personaly i don't like it but it is well made and i give it 5 stars if u can find a use for it it works great but it just doesen't cut it for my music demands - January 5, 2002 by jamie n
Its just fantastic. - This is a very functional plug-in. I'm not some sort of sound nazi that needs to tweak every single aspect of my music, but some of my mp3's are louder than others, while others are quieter. This plug-in completely eliminates that problem. - December 20, 2001 by Ivan Drago
Unpleasant volume peaks fade away. - Beautiful, and just what I'd been looking for. - December 16, 2001 by Michiel F.E. van Reenen
This Is Great - Just installed it, and it's GRRRRREAT! GET IT TODAY! - December 6, 2001 by J. Edge
Tidy plugin - This sounds quite nice. Very radio-ish. Smooth volume adjustments, no distortion. Whatever the guy who said it was crap was thinking, I don't know. He probably didn't know how to work it. - November 15, 2001 by Cam Adams
Best volume adjuster - I've tried some plugins of this kind, and this is THE BEST. Thanks! - November 6, 2001 by satya namak
Works really good!! - Very useful if you were used to adjust the winamp eq volume for every song that played at different volumes than others... This does it automatically! The boost function is very good too!!! - November 3, 2001 by Francesco Castellana
Hella rocks - This Prog Kicks @ZZ - October 24, 2001 by James Lyons Troubles - I can't re-submit the latest copy of this plugin. So if you are gonna bother checking it out hop over and get I have another free plugin on my website called "Simply Surround" which does fake surround and doesn't kill the bass like most other "left channel inverters" - October 9, 2001 by tom st denis
Makes MP3's sound great - This is an automatic adjustment that seems to optimize any MP3 to its best sound. I use this 90% of the time and it really improves the sound. - October 6, 2001 by Steven Pound
Perfect - The volume adjustment feature was just what I was looking for! - September 27, 2001 by Tomas Sond�n
rock on - Very nice, i love the fact that it boosts the whole volume, and ill say very clearly and smoothly without any distortion also- any one tried this , im using 3 plugins now and my sound is kickin' Bobware Stereo Delay 2.0 Wide and Dynamix and this TomeSteady Automatic Gain Controller try it :p - September 26, 2001 by pawl s
DO Bother - I've been looking for something like this for ages; it works perfectly with no real discernable alteration or coloration of the sound. It's perfect for "normalizing" the levels of your mp3's for parties or for broadcasting. Get it now. - September 5, 2001 by Slap Maxwell
Don't Bother - This plugin does not increase or decrease the volume of mp3s but makes them sound distorted, don't bother downloading this, it is a waste of time. - April 6, 2001 by John Johnson