A FAT BASS LIMITERA fat bass "clean" limiter and stereo expander. Great for disco and pop music.
Download pluginJune 1, 2002 by Alessandro Tomassini | 161636 downloads |

Staff review
Useful dsp tool for spicing up mp3'sGreat sounding limiter and stereo expander... really adds the oomph to the music. You can definitely hear the difference. Worth the download. It would be nice to have some presets for this.
hum... - useful =D - June 20, 2007 by Chaud Enzan
The Best Compressor/Limiter Ever! - What more can I say? This plug-in is great and sounds like a realtime FM broadcast! Good work! - July 8, 2006 by Winston Carlos
title - * * * = 3 stars - June 2, 2006 by Dimitri Me
Recommended - Very nice plugin. Works well, no crashes, no problems. Recommended - October 1, 2005 by Bjorn Moxica
Improves sound - It improves the sound at the default settings, but I feel you have to be an audio engineer to correctly adjust this thing. I would have given it a higher rating if it had come with some explanation of the control functions. It should be a crime to have a control labeled "LF Band Link %" without any explination of what it does. - April 24, 2005 by dana humfleet
very nice - A very nice, very effective, compressor. Sounds exactly like my dbx266xl. - March 11, 2005 by phineas walrumple
Give your Radio Station a new Sound! - Download from his site the new version 1.2Beta! Extremely Excellent!! I use it together with Mariano's Advanced Crossfading Plugin.. These two makes my FM Radio Station complete! Well done Guys.. - May 25, 2003 by Ultra FX
Great! - I now use it with Dee (and MuchFX) and this is the best combination until now!!! - June 18, 2002 by Marco MM
1 awsome plugin - its a really awsome plugin but i wish it had a little more bass to it besides that its an EXCELLET plugin!!! - May 25, 2002 by Travis Lawson
Me Madman - Not much luck. Works a little. But I had some trouble with it. The buttons look fuzzy after I use them once. - May 17, 2002 by Henry Mason
FM Sound pleasure - If you want to rediscover some old title : you have to try this free plug in. If you have some knowledge in sound processing, you will find something like the old two band processor mostly use in the 80's by FM radio. With this plug-in : all the files will have a good level of loudness and a regular level of sound. Let's try it ! - May 3, 2002 by Jean-Marc Meis
Made my $12 headphones rock. - Extremely customizable, completely changed the sound, especially on my headphones. Strengthened the bass, focused the treble, and changed droopy Queensryche to fine rock. - April 5, 2002 by russell k
You will LOVE this Plug-In !!!!! - Alessandro Tomassini is brilliant! The TOMASS LIMITER is HANDS DOWN the FINEST DSP plug-in I have EVER tried. Octimax, big deal; Enhancer 0.17, very nice; BBS Sonic Maximizer (for $130) is a piece of trash next to this!!! I have nearly a hundred cassette tapes from over the past 20 years of basement/garage/backyard recording that lacked appropriate signal processing at thet time. TOMASS LIMITER brings LIFE back into these recordings, with presence, depth, realism, CONTROL of dynamics (something that was sadly lacking) and simply GREAT sound to my old tapes. 5 STARS PLUS!!!! Thank you for an EXCELLENT plug-in Alessandro! - March 20, 2002 by Paul Gallo
EXCELLENT - vast improvment of sound, non cpu consuming, totally free, no bullshit - March 15, 2002 by ivgeny ivgeny
I Had to Register......... - just so i could BIG-UP!! this plug-in. Very nice indeed.......... I found it worked better for me than other Limiter plug-in i have tried.Just my opinion ... - March 5, 2002 by richard wheeler
Very good dynamic control! - This is a fine, unobtrusive "two band purist" limiter, it does not completely change the overall timbre, yet maintains a consistant output level over a good dynamic range - better than many 'outboard' 19" rack units costing hundreds of $$/??! I like the normalising feature as it seems to prevent the pumping and breathing evident in many other DSP's I have listened to. The limiter knees can also be changed for a brighter/softer sound. The author clearly has a sound knowledge of dynamics processing! This limiter is ideal for SHOUTcast stations, and home users alike! Perhaps soon someone will write a dsp that is a gated AGC, followed by x-over, then drive control, then a 4 to 5 band dual time constant compressor, compressor ouput mixer, and a peak limiter/clipper. That would be the ultimate! But until then, this is by far the best 'freebie' I have heard yet! - February 21, 2002 by Rashid Mustapha
Absolutely the best!!! - I tried it and I find simply the best dsp processor for winamp. It have some interesting controlls that affects sound loudnes, bass depth and stereo enanchement! It also provide a dinamic control of input level, so if your mp3 have various recording level you will not notice any difference in output signal. Adjust the controlls as you want and you hear a fantastic sound!! Thank you very much Alessandro - February 21, 2002 by Francesco B