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Speaks out the title of the current playing track!

Speaks out the title of the current playing track!

This pluging speaks out loud the title of the currently playing track using MS text-to-speech SAPI.

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July 15, 2003 by Denis Laprise17740 downloads

Tellmewhatsplaying - Speaks out the title of the current playing track!

Staff review

Computer will announce your tracks

You'll need MS text-to-speech for this to work properly... check out the plugin configuration window for this, it points you to the link for downloading the app (only about 6.22 megs). Once installed, you can change the actual computer voice and voice speed in Windows control panel/speech. Next time you fire up Winamp, your computer will read off the title of the mp3 file before playing it.


freaky weird but cool - only really serves the minor purpose of allowing u to change track b4 hearing and possiably freakin out ure mates but a nice, functional toy non the less - March 16, 2008 by benedict mackay

It's great! but... - I really like this plug-in, it was stupid easy to install, and it takes advantage of the newer SAPI 5.1 technology (Which sounds less like Robbie the robot, and more like the comptuer from Star Trek)... Anyways, great work on the plug-in, but... I was disspointed that it's not a DSP plugin, so while the computer's voice plays fine over the local speakers, the shoutcast server is basically left hanging. If this can be fixed, easily a 5 star plugin. - January 23, 2006 by Mindlord James

... - I think this only works if you have Win. 2000 or newer... - January 6, 2005 by Otto vanZanten

Doesnt work - It dont work over here... :'( It had been wery cool if it had though- - May 16, 2004 by Magnus Nygaard

Good job - Some times I like it, some times it makes me nervous. :-) But in any way it is a fine tool. I use it often. The only thing I miss is a option to select what it is telling to me. Now it tells me Title AND Interpret, I can not choice to hear the title only f.ex. - April 23, 2004 by Mathias notforyoureyes

works, has a small bug - There are several similar plugins out there, but this is the first one that has worked for me. It does have one issue. If you have it installed but you turn it off, when you close winamp it will stay open in the background and use 100% CPU (on winXP pro with winamp 5.x or 2.91). So I just rename the dll when I don't want it running. It doesn't have this problem when you have it turned on. - April 23, 2004 by junius _

from sapte - It actually works ... you could start adding some language recongnition such as spanish or even others so it can speak out the spanish titles - November 15, 2003 by juf bleah

great - i can,t wait to download it - July 30, 2003 by wilson sharp
