Tape Restore Live
Bug fix: Previous version crashes with 16bit colors display
Bug fix: Previous version crashes with 16bit colors displayA free Winamp plugin that improves the sound of cassette tapes, offering a.o.:
- Software Dolby B remover
Approximates a Dolby B decoder in software. If needed, tape bias settings can be fixed first. This is especially useful if the sound of tapes has become dull due to tape wear and age. Also, sound card noise is deminished by the remover.
- Automatic AZIMUTH correction
If the tape head is not set exactly equal to the setting during recording, playback in mono or through a surround system will cause very ugly artifacts. This filter corrects for this on the fly.
- FM Stereo hiss removal
Removes the FM stereo hiss without damaging the real sound. (Not only useful for tapes!)
December 13, 2006 by Hans van_Zutphen | 59992 downloads |

Staff review
DSP for old cassette recordingsWithout any test files it was hard to say how well this worked (it didn't cause any noticeable undue effects on normal quality files). This looks like a very well built plugin with good levels of control and visual feedback on what's happening/being done. One to look at if there's files in your collection which fit with what this is intended for.
Awsom Plugin - I read the revies that this plugin can remove hiss from FM radio. It does a very good job at what it does, you can hear a little of the hiss removal filter but it is a very good featurel Nw lets see if i can tie it with the line-in plugin lol So that i can un-hiss the FM channels i listen to in real time lol. - April 13, 2007 by M Z
Superb - I really like this one...nice sound. I have a lot of old recordings and it really helps. - December 16, 2006 by Carniol Dragos