tac plugin for winamp
high quality audio compression
high quality audio compressiontac (transparent audio compression) is a new high quality audio compression formattac site:http://kk-research.hypermart.net/
Download pluginAugust 23, 2000 by karsten madsen | 50116 downloads |

Staff review
New high end audio compression formatThis plug-in allows you to play TAC files in Winamp. Although, I couldn't easily get my hands on a TAC file to do some testing, the format does rate high on audio compression comarison charts. (http://cad-audio.fsn.net/) for more information. Hopefully, more TAC files will be available in the future. -dg
Defunct - Why bother? TAC is officially dead. Btw, the actual site, in case someone wants to get info on a defunct format, is http://www.kk-research.com/betasite.html The link to the message board gives more informations on the format death. - January 11, 2002 by Roberto Amorim
COMPRESSOR-YAY! - I haven't even opened the download yet, but I was hoping to find a compressor, I copy things (spoken word) from the net to MINIDISC (holds over 140 minutes on MONO mode) and , the compressor should come in REAL handy for this.... one of the people I listen too talks too softly sometimes! THANKS! - May 19, 2001 by clyde briggs