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SysTray Control Modified

New Layout of the buttons of Justins control

New Layout of the buttons of Justins control

I just got bored with the ugly layout of Justins SysTray Controls so I remade the buttons so they got a nicer look. I really like the idea of not needing to have the player visible to change songs.

Download plugin

April 24, 2000 by Conny Stenberg32611 downloads

SysTray Control Modified - New Layout of the buttons of Justins control

Staff review

Hate boring winamp Icons?

This little sucker will change the icons for ya! The colors get to me but no problem jump in and change them and boom now this is a plugin I can use. c-


I love this plug-in! - These look better than those boring black & white ones, and they go well with any computer with a color monitor... - June 19, 2001 by Kevin Muise
