SqrSoft ACF Disc Writer
A fast & smart crossfading disc writer, now you can burn your own mixed CDs with professional quality!
A fast & smart crossfading disc writer, now you can burn your own mixed CDs with professional quality!A fast & smart crossfading disc writer, now you can burn your own mixed CDs with professional quality!
Download pluginApril 18, 2002 by Mariano Lopez | 456839 downloads |

Staff review
crossfading disc writer / mixerVery quick, very easy to use to create your own cd's of mixed music. The crossfading options are very cool. You can sound like the dj from the club. It's all easy to use, and the instructions are very clear.
24 bit? - Nice, but doesn't work with 24 bit output. - February 6, 2008 by mmowoa -
AMAZING! SIMPLE! BRILLIANT! - Wawaweeewa.Firstly, to all you losers who can't use this because you have no computer skills, get a life. It's really not rocket science. In fact I could teach my dead grandma to use this.Secondly, I do a bit of mobile DJ work, and I've always wanted to mix some cds for background music during dinners and stuff like that, or for the dance floor if i need to go to the toilet for a prolonged period of time...This program is very easy to use and does exactly that. Just burn with 0 second gap and voilla! A seemless 60 minute mix, WITH DIFFERENT TRACKS!GREAT!WELL DONE!I SALUTE YOU! - January 3, 2008 by Rob BC
very nice - very nice - November 27, 2007 by nick kikis
Horrible. - This program is full of glitches when trying to burn to a CD, and its Help section is horrible, and doesn't explain anything. Do not download. - July 27, 2005 by Adam Cole
Cool Plug-in - It took me a couple of tries to learn this plug-in, but after several attempts I have figured it out and would recommend this to any newbee who has a little extra time for trial and error, but it will be well worth it. - June 5, 2005 by Brian Carrier
Great tool - This tool works great! Even lets you write streams (you'll have to run multiple instances of Winamp if you want to listen while writing.) Actually all tools made by Mariano Lopez are great. Keep up the good work :) - March 17, 2004 by Pascual Str�msn�s
CD reader crashes this plugin - CD Reader v1.71 (in_cdreader.dll) is crashing winamp when trying to use SqrSoft disk write v1.3(out_mix2dsk.dll) use alternative eg in_wav.dll not sure how that will effect CDDB can anyone help? Does anyone have any luck with CDDB at all?? - October 1, 2003 by Cam Goldsby
works okay... - It works okay, I mean, I don't think I could have done any better -- I have the best results when I turn my signal analyzer off and just let it beatmatch. I have more of a problem with gaps that way but... it certainly doesn't work as well as their crossfading sound output plugin. But the beatmatching makes it worth it anyway. - September 18, 2003 by Wrin Chikaya
It crash winamp all time!!! - the crossfading it's great but it always crash winamp,or stop the song for a long time before star the crossfading - September 10, 2003 by vladimir edgardo
WTH! - ok one major problem I've found with this is that when just trying to PLAY MUSIC it wants to write the song in as a new .wav not kool man .... Oh and no way to uninstall? - February 8, 2003 by Anthony Felscher
just reminding - Yah i'm just reminding that for all of downloading this make sure you have a go0d burning software. The one's that can turn off the {2sec.gap} because it really messes with it. dont waste CD's!!! 0ther than that go0d Job mariano i gave this ***** 5 stars - August 8, 2002 by vinnie zamra
WMA recording ability? - Can you use WMA files with this plug-in? I've had no luck, which is kind of strange. What's the secret? - July 29, 2002 by Gordon Doubleday
Would be good, if the option I got it for worked! - Trying to crossfade multiple .mp3's and end up with multiple .wav files which crossfade from one to another. Unfortunately, when outputing to multiple .wav files, the crossfade did not work. The only time it crossfaded and ended up in a .wav file is when one large .wav file was created. It completely defeated the purpose of this plugin for me because I needed each song to be crossfaded and in an individual .wav file. E-Mailed the plugins creator and got no response. Well, congradulations if you got it to work right. I've been trying all options for the past week and it still hasn't worked correctly for me. - June 27, 2002 by Christian J
Neat........its easy too. - Okie for all lamers ....this is not to cross fade songs from ur playlist but to write non-stop track changable audio cd's from ur Mp3's.... HHOW TO USE.... select the plugin after installation & choose configer.... Under device choose a location ....ur files will be stored here(orignals will remain intact) & yea make sure the box which says mutiple files is checked or else u will have just 1 song in ur cd.......rest is easy. Now just drop & drag a play list & hit play but make sure repeat button is off also keep equalisers off. After this you will see that songs from playlist are stored as wave file in the location u specified. & they are numbered just chose these tracks in ur default disc writing software. Caution:- see that ur disk writer does not leave a 2 sec gap or soo between songs & also that they songs appear in order. How to uninstall:- well u cant un-install btu this is how u can stop it to work ...... goto winamp prefrances>plugins>output> then highlite null-soft wave out plugin., & ur winamp will run as nomal........ Peace. - February 2, 2002 by �w����� �H��gH����
Is Possible Write cd with crossfading .mp3 output - Ciao Mariano, First of all thanks for your great program! :-) I'd like to create my personal cd in mp3 format with crossfading .mp3 output Could you help me? Thanks a lot for your great work! Fabrizio - January 20, 2002 by Fabrizio Olivieri
cannot truncate tracks - hi lovely piece of work. only problem is that i cannot get to truncate my tracks. idon't know if you can help me out here. everytimr i try totruncate the command would not work. please help me out. - December 26, 2001 by Larry -
3 stars for one thing... - ...and after this gets out, this plugin might disappear? Did you know that you can record protected wma files with this? WOO HOO! Grab it while you can dudes and dudettes! As for the crossfading and such, I could never seem to get rid of the damned CLICKS! Clicks on fade in and fade out! But, when doing only one wma song to wav, no problemo! Be sure to check your EQ levels tho... - October 15, 2001 by DWH Co
Be A Pro - It's great...whats all the gibber gabber about. Only problem I ever had was I forgot the plug in was running and started a song. When I didn't hear it playing I remember I was writting waves. Ops too late it wrote a wave over my wave file. Makes DJing simple. Now I pre assemble all my sessions and then burn them to CD's. Once the Cd's started I can set back and join in the fun. - August 24, 2001 by Stan Coleman
People just doesn't know how to use this... - How can they write something like "bad plug-in" if they don't even know how to use it? You don't uninstall plug-in to stop it, you just select other output plug-in. Eats file? I wonder what you've been doing...but this is the best crossfading .wav output plug-in I've found on the net so far. - July 7, 2001 by Karl Josef Tobias
No can do with .wma files - Yeah,it's cool and all,but I still cannot decode .wma (that's windows media files) files with it. I made .wma with Winamp,so I'm a bit confused as to why I can't do anything with it now. Can anyone help me?I need this if I want to play my mp3-CDs with an mp3 player in my car... - July 2, 2001 by Jure teses
You computer fool guys!! - I can't believe how you make such opinions of things that are really easy to solve by experimentation; in ck case all you should do at first is to configure and test each and every plug-in you wanna use. You cyber boys should already know how to solve stuff like this. And for Mariano, est? muy bien tu plug-in, bastante funcional y f?cil de entender en las opciones de configuraci?n, bien hecho! - June 15, 2001 by Fernando Villarroel
Uninstall??? - You don't need to uninstall the plugin to turn it off!!! Select another output plugin, that's all! ... silly boys, jejeje! - June 7, 2001 by Mariano Lopez
don't like it and confused - very cinfusing, very unintuitive... and ck is right, there is no easy way to uninstall. I unistalled winamp and then reinstalled it, it's still there - May 24, 2001 by Matt Miller
STUDENT - A fast & intelligent - May 12, 2001 by tord larsson
Far Out! - This plug-in rocks! It makes waves, so once you download an mp3 or something you can make one for use in Flash. Once you are done using it, you should set Winamp to use the normal plug-in again. - May 12, 2001 by Christopher Manhave
Doesn't uninstall!!! - This plugin ruined 4 of my mp3s by ALWAYS trying to run with them. I could never play the MP3s by themselves again after trying them with this plugin. And worse, there's no easy way to delete the plugin either - I had to rip out files to get rid of the damn thing! Go find another crossfader - this one will eat files. - May 10, 2001 by c k
Tricky and kicks @$$ - If you have a burner, and are looking to impress your friends by producing quality cd's, you hafta get this, set up a folder to store your mp3's in a crossfaded .wav format, then use Adaptec, or whatever your choice is.. to compile the wave files to cd, make shure your song order stays the same, or youll look like a schmuck when you get shuffled crossfading on song intros. - April 1, 2001 by Jeffery Cockerham