SoftAmp VirtualSound
Featured Plugin.3D Sound with 4 Virtual Speakers. SoftAmp VirtualSound produces a three dimensional sound with four independent virtual speakers. The virtual speakers, for the first time, can be moved freely as you hear the MP3 music. Two of the four speakers can function as Woofers, thereby making the sound richer. You can even change the altitude of the virtual speakers. You can enjoy the sound coming from down under or from above! Of course, reverberation effect is provided. You will have the ultimate control over the sound field...
Download pluginFebruary 1, 2003 by Won Don Lee | 2754284 downloads |

Staff review
Acoustic heavenGreat plug-in.... very tight and solid design. Easy to use and play around with. You can get some great sound out of this. The interface is perfect.... great visual translation. Each speaker has a good amount of configurability options...just right click on them... and you can change the elevation. Subwoofer and reverb options complete the package. Learn the art of acoustics today. -dg
Ughh!!! - Another paid version of a 'no-good'plugin!!Why do they make some nonsense like these?!!Is anyone weird enough to hear music with one speaker close to the ear and another at the farthest corner of your room?!!!Or from below or above the ground?!!!lols!!The only good thing abt this is that no distortion is introduced...Nevermind folks...dont bother your acoustic senses with this scrap. - June 13, 2009 by Saurab Rao
wow - perfect - August 11, 2008 by soon peng
Awesome - Looks fantastic ... I only hope I can learn how to use it at least well enough to enjoy its features. - April 27, 2008 by Guy Stirling
multi super - nice though... superb - November 6, 2007 by djsoulis mack
Bullshit - Fucking damn winamp is broken - June 18, 2007 by Dennis Schmuck
wonderful - no words - March 17, 2007 by izetergun ergun
Strange - Seemed to work well however, strange things happened to my media library not filling the entire space the window was dragged to and just being squashed into the corner. I got scared by this and didnt really experiment with the plugin properly. When I uninstalled the plugin everything went back to normal thought but I do have surround speakers anyway so I was just curious. I agree about the strange eq it uses to create the effect, kills the mids. Cool idea if you dont have surround speakers though. - April 28, 2006 by Chris Allen
SoftAmp VirtualSound - this Plug-in is good - March 22, 2006 by lukasz michal
Good - Is Good - May 15, 2005 by Duende Damian
omygod - thats so cool.. my superwoofer plays very very very deep bass now.. thx - October 9, 2004 by Micke Mattsson
Where my mids at? - ingenious program, really. it has an amazing uses and practicalities, but my issue is with the sound itself. you can really amp up the bass by turning the subwoofers on, or you can go subtle with them off. but either way, the speaker setup tends to eliminate much of the mid-range. you can get some really bass pumping beats, but it doesn't seem to be particularly balanced - June 1, 2004 by Eric Revilla
another techno wonder piece - Designed for those who enjoy playing with gagets. It alter the sound quality somewhat, but not to the extent, it becomes a serious plug in. Cute!...but not effective enough to be called serious. - May 16, 2004 by charles shajkur
ace - well the other reviewers obviously do not know what they are doing ,4 me this is one of the most effective and easy to use pluggins i ever used and i whave been working in the music biz from live bands to large scale trance parties from GOA to LONDON TO COPENHAGEN to TRANCOSO/BRAZIL . ITS F:::ING ACE - March 26, 2004 by darren morbey
Its alright - Its only good if you know where to put the speakers and set the settings. I had a hard time tryin to set the settins, so i didn't find it that good. Its only good if you know what you are doing. - February 19, 2004 by Simon Y
Sucky - It one of the worst DSP plugin I have ever used. - December 18, 2003 by Jackal Jack
good - good - November 27, 2003 by hamdy nabil
What is this piece of crap? - Cool! It creates static, simulates bad bass, and cant be uninstalled! - November 19, 2003 by Ross Church
no money for that - no money for that! - November 3, 2003 by mario schubert
What The Heck? - Not a very good plugin. Not sure what it does. Couldnt see that it did anything. Dont bother. - September 29, 2003 by Paul Larison
Huh - What's the use for this??? If I want my speakers to sound like they are two feet away, I move them two feet away. That's it. Why would I need a program like this? Two stars for wasting time to do this. - September 8, 2003 by Sweet-O Dude
? - Is there any program for 5.1 sound system? Very need that - July 10, 2003 by Jah Marcipano
oh look! you have to pay for it! :-D - 2 gold stars for the program 3 black stars for NOT BEING F R E E ! ! ! - April 20, 2003 by Johnny V
Pretty good - Well....i personally think that this is pretty good and it succeeds at enhancing the voice quality and the effects required for the complete satisfaction of listening to some particular kinda music...although at reduces the's nice and worth a's different and the virtual speakers are what really excited me...if u know how exactly u're supposed to place them...they're cool....!! In short......IT DESERVES A TRY >>SO TRY IT! - March 29, 2003 by Peace Peace
Otherside - The Oderside is a very good music!!!!!! - March 11, 2003 by Daniel Chuffi Rodrigues
??????? - WHY CANT IT JUST B FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz - March 1, 2003 by THE KING
Great - Great plugin. Download now! - January 4, 2003 by Rohini Chandra
lachoci?g - DUPA DUPA UDPA - December 28, 2002 by Oi Oi
WHOA - This is SO unbelievable... if I didn't feel the headphones on my ears, I could swear it was live... One time when I ran it, I decided to crank the volume up and the first thing I thought was, "oh CRAP, am I blasting the neighborhood apart?"... I take off my headphones (I actually thought the plug came out and I WAS blowing the speakers) and the only noise I hear is the headphones... a kinda scary dose of reality 8-|. Put simply, this is the BEST WRITTEN DSP out there for true surround sound!!! As long as you get the settings *JUST RIGHT* (I have mine set as follows: Left Woofer {E:-40, A:299, D:61}, Left Front {E:+50, A:261, D:49}, Right Woofer {E:-40, A:63, D:61}, Right Front {E:+50, A:100, D:49}, woofers enabled, headphone mode, no reverb). Try it, it'll blow you away!!! (PS: Pair it with Stereo Expander Beta v1.0 using MuchFX2 and you got a completely live performance - you can't get any better {put Expander before VS in MuchFX}) - October 5, 2002 by f16 nut
Cool! - Real good work Won keep up the good work ! - September 30, 2002 by Nilesh Sharma
Don't waste your $$ - SoundBlaster Live! w/dolby digital/EAX plus some extra speakers are well below $100... Silly man want money for virtual piece of shit. When I want my speakers to sound two feet away, I MOVE THEM TWO FEET AWAY... - August 4, 2002 by D Gabbett
Im Not Downloading IT - Its bad enough we pay for the Internet - July 22, 2002 by Johnathon Winn
It just?.... - Well...SUCKS!!! - June 26, 2002 by Gene Garcia
heyheyeheye... - It's like a paranoid looking over my back,it's like a whirlwind inside of my head,it's like i can't stop listenig to winamp when I got this softamp. - June 18, 2002 by Moahan Raaj
It WAS alright. NOW IT SUCKS!!! - It was kind of cool, for 21 F@#$'n days!! Now how do I get rid of the stupid son of a bitch?! I'm not payin for it!! - June 1, 2002 by A H
Oh god! - This plugin seemed so nice but then its effects are not so real. and it creates a distortion in the sound too. now thats not good. thats why i gave it the downside. - May 23, 2002 by Psycho Psychic
Its ok - Its ok ! may b4 if you pay for it it sounds better - May 18, 2002 by Nabil Mbarka
Expired... - Para que mierda ponen este plug in que no se puede instalar? Dejense de joder con el tiempo de la gente... - May 17, 2002 by Hugo Sanchez
good stuff - Well what I do is start it up... turn off the 3d sound and turn on the woofer... it sounds really good =) - May 3, 2002 by jesse hall
its ok...? - well it got stuck in most pc's but its good... - April 11, 2002 by uday kiran
ok - What the fuck is this? I would take a bad Britney spears skin over this. - March 28, 2002 by jack blackman
It's simple but enough to feel real sound. - I'm very impressed "SoftAmp VirtulaSound". It's easy to make home theater by four virtual speaker. You could control direction where you want to hear and stress of music just draging mouse. Confidencely recommand you. Now download and enjoy virtual sound. - March 11, 2002 by KwangMin Kim
waste of time - this plug-in is stupid. you gotta be an idiot to download it... (i guess that makes me an idiot) it doesnt sound cool, it doesnt make it any better, it takes forever to download, it has crapy graphics, it could be better with everything! go ahead download it see if u like it - March 3, 2002 by andy k
Incredible! - You see it's this type of stuff that amazes me. Absoloutly; amazes me. Not only can they simulate the sound of 4 speakers (which sounds damn realistic) but can also take the time to spice it up in it's interface. But screw the interface, this thing ROCKS! Proffesionaly done I must say. - February 27, 2002 by Nicholas Bertke
Wowwww!! - I have only only word for this -- Wowww !!!! - Thumbs up to Lee !! - January 19, 2002 by Paul Baruah
Awesome SOUND EFFECTS - cool man ... i always wanted these. I have YAMAHA 4+ 1 woofer sound system on my computer ... and this baby sounds well with this software ... i think its worth a dowload ... cause it makes ur SPEAKER'S RULE THE NEIGHBOURHOOD - January 18, 2002 by Archie Desouza
Totally Awesome - Awesome BASS!! Great quality sound, dont bother buyin download the full v or crack off of kazaa or morpheus. - December 27, 2001 by Aj SS
W koncu ktos pomyslal - Jest to bardzo przydatna rzecz dla osob ktore maja 4 glosniki, wtedy moga w pelni sie delektowac ich mozliwosciami. - December 25, 2001 by JurAs Jurek
All of you don't know skwat!! - I've been using SoftAmp for over 2 years and it's the best I ever found and used (even tho you got to pay for it) buy heck it's worth it! YES IT IS RESLY WORTH IT!!! And further more for the best sound u need a good sound card at least a 128b live sound like mine(HA) and through it's a mega system eater I got a 800Mmx P3 128RAM and I lag about 1 sec. when I load something but thats only when Winamp is running! Anyway I say it's the best and no one going to make me change my mind (There HA). - December 16, 2001 by Luc Marchand
get some things straight... - At first, it's kinda fun positioning the speakers to hear what it sounds like, but it quickly gets boring. And, because not everyone has a super-new-expensive computer with a professional sound card, it makes your music sound distorted and weird. For a free plugin, it would be fine, but why pay? Is the plugin really that good? My response is no. I mean, doesn't just the word "pay" defeat the whole purpose of WinAmp? The fact that Winamp and its numerous skins and plugins are free is what makes it dominate and obliterate competition (Real Player, etc.) and make it the best music program out there. Selling a plugin....For shame, for shame! - December 10, 2001 by Andrew Mackowski
Nullsoft means Null money !!!! - Why pay for plug-ins ? Not me for sure !!!!! - November 30, 2001 by chris gigler
Schade - Wie ich das hasse: Geniales Plugin ...aber... DEMOVERSION - November 10, 2001 by Delta7 Tetrahydrocannabinol
Dissatisfied Customer - Gentleman: I heve received your E-Mail with much regret. The fle ( as I mentione before) does not exist on my computer so I cannot uninstall your product.It seems you folks really don't have much on the ball with customer service. I have e-maild Winamp & DFX with this problem and they have been very forthcoming. I have purxhased DFX since this problem with you folks.. I have been advised to uninstall my Winamp with all files, This has been completed. I have had to reload my skins along with all other options. I am back where I was before I dowwnloaded your files. Too bad about your customer service issues.. I shall post this E-mail in the reviews issue of your product. Sincerely, Fred Squires Dissatisfied customer. - November 9, 2001 by Frederic Squires
Darn it! - I refuse to pay for plugins! - October 21, 2001 by Maik Iampietro
shaleen's verdict - it's very good,a very nice software that gives you many music setting options.I feel that the product is near perfect but improvement is always possible. - October 1, 2001 by shaleen s
gr8 - THIS THE GREATEST THING YOU PUT FOR me and my win amp - October 1, 2001 by ashutosh agnihotri
excellent plug ppl - tried this and i gotta say who needs dvd when ya got winamp..... - September 30, 2001 by shane m
All right, how much costs this thing? - If you love techno music, you just have to download this plug-in, it gives an extra demension to it. (and not only for techno music). And, ... how much costs this thing? - September 21, 2001 by Sky Light
Not as good as others - It's ok, but I liked Simply Surround better...and Simply Surround is free. - September 19, 2001 by Paul Gifford
NO VIRUS ALERT - Jef B... saw that this skin got it a virus alert, but NOT... this plug-in is great. DOWNLOAD IT - September 18, 2001 by Encarnacion Agreda
Neat, but kills the sound - This plugin looks nice, however by "spacing" the sound, it kills it (same as WaveSurround). This is possible due to inprecise operation. Giving zero stars to this plugin is simply unfair, but as for me, OSS/3D gives much better results (the latest version, of course - from - August 22, 2001 by George Yohng
Wow thing... - It just makes the - August 20, 2001 by bentan marius
POwers the sound - very good and keep up the good work - August 8, 2001 by Dipesh Makan
Excelente!!! - La calidad del sonido es perfecta...bajalo!!! - August 7, 2001 by Marcelo Prado
money - it makes you pay money on winamp, music is free man this blows - July 31, 2001 by Scott Patterson
Very good prog! - I like this thing so much that i want it free :( Does anybody know where to get it for free? - July 31, 2001 by Gabriel Giard
i love that - hello friends i love it & like too see this & send me ur repply - July 26, 2001 by imran junnaid
Virus Alert - I tried to download it and got a virus alert.Try to solve the problem. - July 21, 2001 by Jef B
Wonderful! - Yeah,it IS really fantastic!it makes sound sound and the world beautiful!I love it! - July 11, 2001 by Tao Cui
Impressed - Impressive and ease of implementation, makes this a welcome addition to my audio system. Thank you. - July 11, 2001 by Gordon Baker
seawoman - it's downloading now, and if anything as cool as it looks and the description says...... WOW!!!!! kisses hugs, accolade & a huge H*U*G*E Thanks!!!! Donna - July 11, 2001 by Donna Maher
great - THIS THE GREATEST THING YOU PUT FOR THE USA - July 6, 2001 by Sheronda Urquhart
!! - The one and only plug-in that would make your $5 speakers sound as... er, $29,95 ones! ;) - July 6, 2001 by Oleg Mirnij
ur programs - dude u can't whoop my ass,at all,yeah right get over i here there is a bug in ur programs.dude.i tell u one thing i will whoop ur's if i find one.but ah winamp is a good program.thanks duder - July 4, 2001 by meimei beibei
you need virtual speakers? - Good!!! this plugin is really perfec for you!!! Esta muy bueno bajalo te lo recomiendo sentiras la sensacion de Home theater - July 3, 2001 by Ricardo Haro
IT SUCKED - OK THIS THINK SORRY TO SAY BUT IT SUCKED - July 1, 2001 by kamil henry
help - hey help me it looks cool but i cant figure out how to use it. e mail me at [email protected] if you know. - June 29, 2001 by Kevin Candio
simply amazingggggg - really a great plugin.. great effect.. a lil heavy on resources.. but i guess nothing comes free.. - June 27, 2001 by Simply Nuts
Nice - It works pretty well, I have to delete it though, My computer is Fuc**d Up.. Anywho, Its one of the best plug ins! - June 24, 2001 by Jordan yates
Sweet - this is awesome. Can play around with this forever. Great job!! - June 24, 2001 by chris mayer
DA GREAT SOFT AMP - I think it's a great plugin - June 24, 2001 by chris durston
the best - good good good - June 21, 2001 by shaban shaban
Kicks A$$ !! - Simple. Elegant. Powerful. Great Pluin. - June 21, 2001 by bez oris
SoftAmp VirtualSound - hallo!! Liebe Winamp, Hab damals SoftAmp VirtualSound untergeladen , bist jetzt funktioniert es recht gut aber die 21 Tage ist schon vorbei , kann ich auch von hier ganzes SoftAmp VirtualSound auf mein Computer doanloaden , oder muss ich denn bestellen , da kann ich auch nicht so gut English , ich hoffe ihr kannt mich helfen . Danke !!! - June 19, 2001 by Trung Ngo Tran
VVery GGoooodd !!! - It's so nice and simple interface and fatastic 3D sound. Thangs.. - June 19, 2001 by Chi-Hwa Song
Just Get IT -- - I would blindly recommend this Plugin to any one ,who is Music and Sound crazy... The Speakers are just Amazing, the Effects are Xplosive. Just Go Get It. Only Bug in the Ass is this is a Trial Version,only for some 10 days or so... But naturally worth it. - June 18, 2001 by Mehul Vora
Very nice - It's very good.... - June 15, 2001 by Anom Wahyudarma
wag ka makulit - simply the best!!! thats all folks - June 13, 2001 by christian dichoso
hi - very well doing - June 9, 2001 by naina kaur
found - virus detected in it............would not download - June 9, 2001 by mac hill
Very worthwhile investment - It's almost a gimmick... but a very good gimmick. SoftAmp does it all. And it does it MUCH better than most other 3d fx plugins (like Qmp3d or WaveSurround). SoftAmp seems to work best with a decent pair of headphones (and the headphone setting enabled). There is fair degree of customization possible. So you should be able to get just the effect that you are looking for (don't be surprised if you spend a few hours making adjustments =). I prefer the first two room settings, as they give the most pleasing effect. Anything beyond that can get somewhat unbearable for extended periods. Also, the SuperBass option is a bit annoying as it really cuts out the high frequencies. If all you want in life is bass, then go for it. Otherwise you are better off fine-tuning your EQ (decreasing 310, 600Hz, and 6kHz slightly would be advised). Of course, I'd recommend doing that anyway, esp. when listening to low-bitrate streaming mp3 audio. SoftAmp does include up to eight speaker-arrangment presets, which is really convenient. Unfortunately, four of them are built-in and cannot be replaced. Also SoftAmp does not presetnly work with MuchFx... so you can forget about stacking it. All these people that complain that this thing adds unecessary echoes and distortions, have they even read the description of the plugin? SoftAmp is a dynamic soundfield simulator -- it accurately reproduces the acoustics of a user-definable listening environment, including sonic reverb, delays, etc. So, if you DON'T WANT to experience the thrill of being situated in the middle of a large danceclub or a live concert then don't waste your time downloading this plugin and then griping about how bad it sounds. I actually bought this plugin, and I'm happy with every penny I spent. Thank you. - June 6, 2001 by Randall Krause
Hm, mal was Deutsches... - OK, Freunde...Ich habe dieses Plug-In auch nicht getestet, da ich bereits ein ?hnliches hatte (DSP oder so). Ich muss sagen, dass keine Software einen auch nur ann?hernd guten 3D-Klang bieten kann. Wenn man Sounds von hinten will, dann legt euch ne Soundkarte mit 2 Lautsprecher-Ausg?ngen zu und plaziert 2 vorn und 2 hinten. Wer auch in Games richttiges 3D will, der investiert am besten gleich in einen Dolby-Reciever. Ergo: lieber nich downloaden und erst recht nicht kaufen. - June 6, 2001 by Kane Caine
I didn't download it ! - I don't know this plugin, so I givr it 0 (zero) stars. :-) - June 5, 2001 by Andres Boc-ho
It sucks - I can't even get it to install - June 3, 2001 by Brandi King
DFX is better... - SoftAmp - stupid plugin! Don't download it!!!! I recommend you DFX 5.0!!!! - June 1, 2001 by Svyatoslav Bunkov
yeah right - I don't know why everyone thinks this plugin is so great. It didn't do anything for my music except overloaded my woofers, causing major distortion. Don't bother downloading this piece, 1,138.091 people are dead wrong and it sucks - May 27, 2001 by Raym Morgan
Softtamp - It's a good game but I think they should've made it free. It's not every body that can pay for the game - May 26, 2001 by wesley lansink
Awesome Awesome - Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome!! That's all i can say as i continue to use this plug in!! Awesome!! - May 24, 2001 by Lindsay Schwartz
Hella Cool! - OMFG! This plugin is AWESOME. If you play around with it, you can get awesome sounding music. Its really easy to use, and has great effects. And it doesnt change the music in a minor way - it really alters it. And does it great. This program deserved 6 out of 5 stars. Its amazing. Download in NOW! - May 24, 2001 by Hugh Jass
cheap - this plug-in is pretty much cheating you, it puts an echo on your speakers and if you have fast playing music you will get a distorted sound and dosen't let you have more sound. If I were the person who is reading this, I would'nt get it, and if you buy it it would be a waste of money. - May 23, 2001 by kevin chau
This is amazing - I don't know what some people are saying on here. First, I updated my virus definitions and scanned, this program DOES NOT contain a virus. Second, I found it took work amazingly, and it was very easy to use. Definitely worth the download. - May 23, 2001 by Kevin Binswanger
Wow - Wow, it actually works!!! there should be an option to skin that too!!! - May 22, 2001 by Jacob Zijlstra
EXCELENT!! - just sooo cool especially the BASS!! - May 20, 2001 by larz puupponen
Nothing can be better!!! - My friend was working on it, and I looked back as I heard the sound coming from my back... amazing!!!! - May 18, 2001 by dazy protzman
Seriously so good!! - i can not understand how one could call this wonderful plug-in a crap. i think everyone should have chance to try this plug-in and appreciate the high-quality of sound. my MP3 sounds three dimensional and i feel like i am in the live concert when i use this plug-in. everyone, give it a try~ - May 18, 2001 by David Holland
the gum - if you got a good system, this will NOT make it at all better, only worse. but i can see how it would make a shitty system seem Less shitty "THE GUM" SAID THAT... - May 14, 2001 by ken peterson
eeeehh - I havent test it yet - May 14, 2001 by imre svanberg
Is this a joke or what ? - What's that CRAP ? The sound quality of my MP3s is MUCH better with that thing turned OFF, when I use it it sounds like shit. What's more you have to pay for it ? Not me man, I've already deleted it! UTTER CRAP ! - May 13, 2001 by Mike Harris
zas - This is just too cool . there is nothing else like WINAP . It`s simply the best - May 12, 2001 by dotsya danko
Good but again you HAVE to buy it to continue - Its a cool plugin i love the adjustability of it but the idea of you paying for it took it off my hard drive - May 11, 2001 by Mike Treadwell
Luv tha bass! - I don't have any desktop speakers, so I just use my stereo. Personally, I love a loud bass! And this plug-in, gives me the all the bass I need for my songs... Thanx Softamp!! =) - May 9, 2001 by Elvin Jensen
hey - hey - May 6, 2001 by Chris L
Reel Kewl - it waz frend'z coz uzez it n ma frend sed it waz pretty good so i downloaded waznt dat good..i waouldnt reccomend u download it..itz a load of crap actually - May 4, 2001 by Sidd Suresh Babu
SoftAmp,3DAmp,Multi-SpeakerAmp - Faily I can use ALL of my 4 Speakers... - May 4, 2001 by andy hope
Good - It is interesting think - April 29, 2001 by Heero Kia
Forget Wavearts (sorry guys) - Wavearts is good but this is the business! Well done! - April 24, 2001 by john chewter
?up? Cliffside park - AWESOME!!. THX WON DON LEE - April 24, 2001 by Frankie Pineiro
Mr. - I don't know how to install in winamp3. Can you help me? - April 22, 2001 by Luiz A. Soave
The Beast!!!! The Best!! Download Now!!! - The Beast!!!! The Best!! Download Now!!! - April 18, 2001 by Lord BerKus
hell yeah - this thing is frickin awesome mr. bigglesworth. so many different different things to do with it. 5 star all the way baby!!!!!!!!! - April 18, 2001 by Ian Boone
wwwwoooooooowwwwwww! - it's incredible - April 16, 2001 by EDNA LISEVNIA
surround sound - I think this plugin is a good plugin. I us only two speakers and it makes everything sound in great stereo quality. I don't know it just all depend on type of speaker and stuff. Also it most the music skip two seconds with a slow process that all depend on how much ram and how fast the processor is. Other wise this plugin is great. - April 15, 2001 by Russell Heisler
my comment - i like it! - April 14, 2001 by imelda puspasari
To all users of WINAMP - This is just too cool . there is nothing else like WINAP . It`s simply the best .... - April 14, 2001 by daniel dimoski
good - well and dont have much to say.....only its a very goods designs, and all free! cool.... - April 14, 2001 by abel pacheco
bleah - blah - April 14, 2001 by -BLacK- (V)YTH
games - hi - April 13, 2001 by zino zino
kewl - its just cool - April 13, 2001 by Nicholas HoKoon
SOFTAMP - BUEN PROGRAMA - April 13, 2001 by eduardo gutierrez
Hey,so fierce! - Well, i haven' t see a 3D sound plugin in winamp,this very easy to use , it sutiable for winamp beginner. - April 13, 2001 by Brian Brian
SoftAmp - Well... it's a great program if you can get the password to extract the encrypted install file! - April 11, 2001 by Brad Bax
Awesome - IT'S AWESOME!!! You need a good soundcard to get the best sound, but even with my old $25 one it sounds awesome. I recently got a Sound Blaster Live! Platinum 5.1 and it sounds terrific on that. Best plugin I've ever downloaded. - April 10, 2001 by Jasper Bryant-Greene
WARING!! - Never return to back to the back after you take this one. - April 7, 2001 by kweae seo
It is an Art, isn't it? - it is an Art in the point view of acoustic quality. Yeah.. the art of acoustic 3D sound in PC i've never experienced before i would never listen to mp3 music without this one any more i hope Winamp provide this plug-in into winamp player as basic function :) - April 6, 2001 by woojin jeon
This one MUST be 5 STARS - Splendid !! Excellent !! Awful !! it make me rich and happy man in music sound. i need not any others only this one.. use it every one !! when it will be upgraded ? i'm waiting it .. please a.s.a.p.. it must be ?????????? !! - April 6, 2001 by Haggai Enxrist
Aren't Yall Stoked? - I guess only genii can appreciate what another genius can make. And only genius can properly and easily install and run the program. Take chance, what you'll see, explore before you make comments.... - April 6, 2001 by Daniel Stokes
i cannot use!!! - i used wimamp 2.74 But i cannot use!!! why?? - April 5, 2001 by tandy wong
Not Sure? - Hmmm i am about to download let u know in 5 mins... > - April 5, 2001 by Eskie Hax
Nice try... - AND VERY NICE RESULTS!!! But it cann't be five-starred, because there are some bugs to fix, like noise in speakers. - April 4, 2001 by Sultansky Pavel
COOL! The Best! - You do not need any other miscellaneous ones. This is the best! It is a revolution! Clicked the upper left corner to find a Readme. Tried everything and it works perfect! Hmmmmm...... - April 4, 2001 by Hannah Backus
Do Not Download - There is a Virus in here. whats up with that what kind of ass would do something like that i love to download stuff to enhance my music and now i have to worry about some asshole trying prove that he nows a thing or two about computers Grow up. - April 3, 2001 by Shane Cousins
excellent - Great stuff. I give it a five.I tested it with the bouncing ball program. It sounded satisfactory bouncing in front of me behind me and through my head - April 3, 2001 by John Docherty
Excellent - Your music sounds fantastic. More Surround effects and mora bass for more beats. I think if you wanna make your own disco, do it with Soft Amp!!!!! - April 3, 2001 by Fabian Clemens
Absolutely No Virus - Hey, Norton AntiVirus Team inspected the program and they say there is No Virus... You guys need to update your antivirus engine. - April 3, 2001 by CholSu Rim
Wowzers - Doesn't really make definite changes in where the sound comes from, but gives an absolutely huge enhancement in sound quality when used with the woofers enabled and close to the virtual head - April 1, 2001 by kevin chernoff
Painful to read - Wow. Next time you submit an oppinion about any product, use your spellcheck. Better yet, consult a native speaker. Case-in-point: "And Moron who Wrote this Crud Exspect Users to Pay for the junk." Yikes! What a grammatical tradgedy... BTW- this product isn't half bad! - April 1, 2001 by jeremy nunes
save your bandwidth - You could be spending this time downloading much more impressive plug ins. I use a 3 speaker subwoofer setup... all settings seemed to make everything sound worse not better, maybe if your lucky and have a full surround setup its more impressive???? - April 1, 2001 by Jeffery Cockerham - This thing is awesome. You can make it sound so's like I was there. You can get a really good sound perspective with it. 5 stars. Yum. - April 1, 2001 by Jared Collums
damn noise - Whry there is such a stupid noise??? Echo makes sound unlistenable and the noise makes it to-be-turned-off. Am i wrong? - April 1, 2001 by Dmitry Bachilo
Is accept - ...and two speakers? - March 31, 2001 by Manuel Fernando Padilla Gonz�lez
Feel it ! - Just one thing. It's great! - March 31, 2001 by Jovic Rajko
WOW!!! - Excellent effects, very easy to use. Just gotta wait about 10 secs for each adjustment to take effect though. - March 31, 2001 by Colm Laverty
Bernardo - it?s very good - March 28, 2001 by Bernardo Andr�s Parra Hernandez