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Shutdown Timer

Assign system wide hotkeys to control Winamp and more ...

Assign system wide hotkeys to control Winamp and more ...

Assign system wide hotkeys to control Winamp, should work when playing games also. Over 70 commands supported... Some other features included now are "Resume Winamp state" and "Save Winamp data (playlist and eq)" at specified time interval. (Useful to prevent loosing the playlist or eq data if Winamp or Windows has a tendency to crash...)

Download plugin

March 11, 2003 by Chris Itle5999 downloads

Shutdown Timer - Assign system wide hotkeys to control Winamp and more ...

Staff review

The ultimate hotkey plugin

This one has it all. A very clean and easy to use interface that allows you to assign your own key combos to pretty much every available feature in Winamp. Also includes a handy resume play on startup feature, which can be configured to pick right up where you last left off mid song, or to start up at the beginning of the last song played. Can also be configured to automatially save EQ and Playlist data. Look no further for a hotkey plugin, this one has you covered.


? How about some hotkeys? - I installed the program, and go to the Preferences -> General Purpose menu, and select your plug-in to customize the hotkeys, which it claims to do, and all I have access to is the sleep timer window displayed on the download page. No hot keys. So either supply a readme file for idiots like me to navigate your non-user-friendly (or poorly described) plug-in. Or stop lying about what it does. This plug-in should not show up when I perform a search for hotkeys. What did you have to pay the staff for this review? >:( - January 9, 2009 by Bryan Canaanabolaanan
