reverb and speaker simulator
reverb/speaker simulator
reverb/speaker simulatorMakes the headphones sound more loudspeaker-like. IMHO quite nice effect.
Includes configurable preamp, separation, reverb delay, feedback and gain.
April 22, 2005 by Krzysztof Nikiel | 77305 downloads |

Staff review
Worked as expected and is more suited for headphones (sounds awful on a decent speaker setup i thought)
Only noticeable issue is that when you access the dsp's config, you can't use the main winamp window until it's closed again.
Great ! - This is what i'm looking for a long time. I've tried the "srs wow" and the "dfx" but this is the best so far. This plug-in makes the sound so good that i feel like i'm in the song. It works perfect both on headphones and large speakers in fact i can't listen to my mp3s without this plug-in anymore. I think this plug-in must be in the standart packet of winamp. Thanks. - February 14, 2007 by qwerty rulaz
Huh? - Don't know what the last reviewer's problem was .... This Plug-in was made more for headphones than for the Computer Speakers, and it works rather well. - June 10, 2005 by Sean Williams
reverb and speaker simulator - it makes my sound bed. It improves nothing only add some useless features to winamp. - May 24, 2005 by Dominik Niakov