Rcorps GAP Wrapper
This plugin can play many games files like ASF( NFS4), AUD/SOL (Larry 7) and others. Scanner added.Release Version.
This plugin can play many games files like ASF( NFS4), AUD/SOL (Larry 7) and others. Scanner added.Release Version.Now you can play music from your favorites games: Larry 6,7 (CD), C&C, RedAlert, Fallout's, Need For Speed and many others games from Sierra,EA,Westwood.Some glitches rewrited!Now you can scan resource files.
Download pluginMarch 19, 2002 by Ryazancev Dmitry | 26896 downloads |

Staff review
Input plug-in to play music from video gamesUseful for those people out there who really enjoy listening to the music of their favorite video games. This plug-in definitely covers some of the big developers.
It works not really great now!!! - Dear Sir I had time to test your plug-in with all features. If I switch off "show scanner" and close Winamp, Winamp hangs up /crashes. If I start Winamp again, "show scanner" is enabeled -> I cannot disabling "show scanner" without crashes by winamp. I get following error message after I disabled "show scanner" and closed Winamp: WINAMP caused an error by an invalid page in module IN_GAP.DLL with 0187:026f2a99. Register: EAX=027110b0 CS=0187 EIP=026f2a99 EFLGS=00210202 EBX=026f0000 SS=018f ESP=006e879c EBP=bff8e0cd ECX=00000000 DS=018f ESI=00460328 FS=5eff EDX=bffc9490 ES=018f EDI=027127f8 GS=0000 Bytes with CS:EIP: 8b 01 ff 50 58 8b 8f c4 01 00 00 85 c9 74 07 8b Batch values: 00460328 00416350 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000360 0041f18b 00000002 00000000 0041df28 00000000 00000001 0041968a 00000360 006e9ebc 006e9e48 could you solve this problem, please, too? - March 22, 2002 by Borg Number_One
Thats cool! - I always want to play music from Tiberian Sun in my WinAmp. Now i can do it. - December 14, 2001 by Ryazancev Dmitry