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Radiobrowser v1-1

Manage and play your favourite radio stations

Manage and play your favourite radio stations

An interface that forwards your radio-stations to Winamp. It comes with a configurator to add your channels to an XML-file. Note that this configurator still needs a lot of work, and can currently only add channels. To edit or remove, you'll need to do it manually in the XML-file.

Download plugin

August 19, 2005 by John Romani36936 downloads

Radiobrowser v1-1 - Manage and play your favourite radio stations

Staff review

External radio manager

This is an external program so will be installed to a non-Winamp directory.

on running the browser a small tuner like window from old radios appears and moving the mouse left/right allows you to move the selected station for then being set as the current playlist.

This works as expected apart from it clearing the current playlist every time you select a station from the browser so some config over that would be nice.

If this could be skinned to match the current Winamp skin then this would be great.


Excellent - I've been looking for something like this for ages. It looks really good, and works pretty well, but slightly buggy though. I hope it gets more development. - August 25, 2005 by Jason Gomez

Very Good - Finaly.... - August 20, 2005 by Marius Uranas
