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Quick Title plug-in

Briefly displays the current track title over top of other apps.

Briefly displays the current track title over top of other apps.

This plug-in briefly displays the current track title without interference to the other applications.
Final update is version 2.2.

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December 8, 2002 by James Starling16533 downloads

Quick Title plug-in - Briefly displays the current track title over top of other apps.

Staff review

Nice plugin to quickly get track information

Allows for you to configure a hotkey combo that displays current Winamp track information. You can customize the color and style of the info banner, as well as the screen time duration. Definitely handy when you quickly need to get a track ID and you have a lot of other windows open. Updated version with new features (transparency, etc).


Good work but... - It looks like no unicode support there (Cyrillic charset exactly). Or I am wrong? - October 20, 2007 by aliaksei shy

Love It - Been wanting something like this for a long time... beautiful... - November 17, 2005 by Ferris Bueller

Perfick! - Does exactly what it says on the tin. Has some nice options so you make it perfect just for you too. Got to love it when you find exactly the right plugin straight away! - December 27, 2004 by Christopher Brind

Purrrrrrrfect! - Abs Fab! - July 1, 2004 by A N

Very useful! - This plugin is very useful for anyone who has winamp configured with hotkeys and don't wanna pop up the winamp window to check what song is currently playing. The ability to select font, alignment and colors is very flexible and neat, gives a unique look for the desktop. In this version there is a text fading support and it is *VERY* beautiful, I love the idea.. transparent background is available too. I am using this plugin for a few months now and I approve that this version is much better than the last ones, and useful for everyone who keeps winamp down there in the system tray or taskbar. *THUMBS UP!* - June 24, 2004 by Eran Yahav

THANK YOU for writing this plugin! - it exactly fits my needs - just what i was looking for! - December 2, 2003 by Sebastian Pipping

The Best - The best title display plug-in so far. Correctly displays the '&' character, doesn't cause flicker problems, small, & customizable. Good stuff! - October 16, 2003 by Will Fuller

Sweet deal! - I was looking for a tool that would show the name of the song when a new track started. This did it. PERFECTLY. Know on some TVs how when you change the volume, you get a bar that shows you at what level its at? This tool can make it look just like that! This one is DEFINATELY getting stored into my file archives for permanate keepers! - August 17, 2003 by Stephen c

Exactly what i needed! - This plugin is great. I had been looking for something like this for while. Thanks Starling. - May 10, 2003 by Nathan Wheeler

GREAT - Exactly what i wanted. I made it the EXACT same color as my taskbar, i positioned it to show up on the bottom right (over system tray), and changed the size to 20. The text to black, and changed the font. it works great, and fits neatly where i put it. - June 23, 2002 by Master Evil

Rajat Duggal, shuttup - Man, I have -not- used this plug in but that shyt Rajat Duggal was talking was pissing me off. Oh no! It crashed your brand new peice of shyt computer :( NOOO you had to reset... and then WHAT? THATS CRAZY? Reinstall winamp? Probably couldent figure out how to uninstall the plugin, Plugings > Uninstall :0 it's a bit difficult... I'd like to see you program a Winamp plugin, it's not that easy! "it's DANGEROUS" yea it might make you reset and uninstall winamp :( oh my GOD!!! Jesus, shut the fuck up and wait for him to get the bugs out. Maybe if you wern't running AOL and your brain was turned on you might have been able to configure it properly, i'm SURE it works fine, since the other review is "5 stars, runnning great on windows 98 and XP for weeks!". Arg, you piss me off. UPDATE: After I posted that I downloaded that plugin and it runs great! No problems, works in every corner of my screen. That dumbass probably thought his power button was the hotkey. Good job! A couple of ideas for ya: Semi-Transparent (win2k/XP) support, and maybe an automatic timeout based on song name length? Just a thought :) - May 30, 2002 by kyle smith

Great Plugin - I love keeping Winamp minimised to a thin bar most of the time, but with this handy key command I can see who does the songs I am listening too - works with streaming media as well! I have been running this on Win98 and Windows XP systems for a few weeks now - its great! - April 29, 2002 by John Temprile
