SPS PresetsFeaturing four SPS presets.
Normalizes the Sound Level.
Now with Clip Protection.
Use it to believe it.
A must Use SPS Preset.
June 19, 2006 by Syed Azhar | 67246 downloads |

Staff review
Normalising SPS presetsThese are to be used with the Nullsoft Signal Processing Studio DSP and provides two different presets for normalising. As with all SPS presets you can adjust them as needed to better suit you.
These appeared to work well though that's subjective ofcourse.
Comes with some good information about the presets in the folder it's extract into.
does what it says on the tin. - very nice. fairly easy to use. does what it's supposed to :) - May 15, 2009 by dom_newbridge
Perfect - This plugin is perfect. It does exactly what it needs to do and nothing else, with very little overhead. It handles all but the most aggressive normalization without clipping. Read the "Project Normalizer Info.html" file in the installation folder, and it will likely answer any questions you may have. - February 16, 2009 by David H
good but - my english is very def. so i dont knok how config and use, need real help, now the sound is perfect song by song thanks - September 23, 2008 by Camilo cardona
Amazing! - Wow. I still cannot get over just how good this is.What else can I say but...this guy knows what he is doing!If you want a normaliser function then, forget the plugins and resource-using addons, grab this and really hear your music with nothing fact it enhances the sound!Thank you for a wonderful plugin. - August 12, 2008 by Paul geaf
The best Volume Normalizer available - In contrast to costy plugins like Volume Logic you don't get radio-like artificial (punchy) compression and there is no perceived variation in volume or any other perceptible reduction in audio quality. Pretty much perfect!-Just make sure that you use "SA - Normalizer ( with Clip Protection ) 2.0"! - June 29, 2007 by m4rc m4rc
Gelungen - Klarer Sound, gute Normalisation und vor allem keine Knackser bei leisen Stellen. - May 2, 2007 by der Voegli