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Plugin_No_ 5

Joystick, Search, Subqueu and Time Tracking utility

Joystick, Search, Subqueu and Time Tracking utility

Plugin No. 5 offers the ability to keep time stats from winamp, a very customizable Joystick/Gamepad control, the ability to subqueue songs and still retain the normal flow of listening, and a track searching utility. Also includes Global Hotkeys!

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March 15, 2004 by Josh Kostelecky9591 downloads

Plugin_No_ 5 - Joystick, Search, Subqueu and Time Tracking utility

Staff review

Somewhat buggy (tested on a Win2000 system)

Installs ok, but, the Configuration menu is very buggy. First off, if physically move the config menu across the screen, Winamp crashes. Also, if you select either 'Joystick Options' or 'Button Labels' in the menu, Winamp will crash. The hotkey setup is somewhat confusing, and the 'clear all hotkeys' link doesn't exactly work. Again, this was tested on a Win2000 system. Hopefully, others have better luck on a different OS.


notes from the programmer: - After some trials, I have found that it is necessary for the same VB run times that MS Office uses to be installed for this plugin to work properly. In these cases it has worked properly on all XP machines tested (a dozen or so), and 2 of 3 win2k machines. This plugin was just a fun way to learn to program, so I admit I don't know how to program for major compatibility. - December 10, 2005 by Josh Kostelecky

Cool...the gamepad feature worked on winXP - Cool..the gamepad feature worked on windows XP. Thanks for making this. Now i can control winamp using my gamepad, which now has another use. - January 21, 2005 by ChunKit Lee

buggy - buggy yes, but I don't know what possibile use someone could possibly have for a plug-in like this. - March 16, 2004 by Micael Svensson
