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Plasmasoft GTime

GTime displays your elapsed time and track length of the currently playing song in Google Talk.

GTime displays your elapsed time and track length of the currently playing song in Google Talk.

Currently, Google Talk only grabs the title and artist from the currently playing song. With the GTime plugin for Winamp you can allow your contacts to view not only the title and artist information, but also the current time and the track length of the song. The plugin temporarily alters your artist information to display the timestamp in a (MM:SS/MM:SS) format and updates this information every 15 seconds throughout the duration of the currently playing song.

The newest testing release of Google Talk is required for the data to show up in Google Talk. The public release does not yet have these features but shall in the upcomming weeks.

Download plugin

August 5, 2006 by David Sherret13733 downloads

Plasmasoft GTime - GTime displays your elapsed time and track length of the currently playing song in Google Talk.

Staff review

Google Talk Now Playing plugin

Installed without issues and caused no obvious stability issues when in use.

