Ogg-Vorbis encoder v1-1
Encoder to convert CD tracks to Ogg-Vorbis 1.1 files using the Winamp 5 built-in CD ripper
Encoder to convert CD tracks to Ogg-Vorbis 1.1 files using the Winamp 5 built-in CD ripperOgg Vorbis is a completely open, patent-free, professional audio encoding and streaming technology with all the benefits of Open Source. It?s currently one of the best candidate to ?mp3 successor?, and its wide increasing support illustrates its qualities and popularity.
This encoder allows to rip CD tracks to Ogg-Vorbis 1.1 files using the Winamp 5 built-in CD ripper (free or pro editions). Resultant files are adjustable through a quality setting (-1.00 to 10.00), although an estimated average bitrate is displayed for information.
More information about the Ogg-Vorbis format on the official project page http://www.vorbis.com/
Ogg-Vorbis files can be natively played by Winamp.
January 11, 2005 by Michael Facquet | 929358 downloads |

Staff review
Rip your CD tracks to the OGG-Vorbis formatGives you OGG-Vorbis encoding power for Winamp 5, allowing you to rip CD's to the OGG format. Check out www.vorbis.com for more details on OGG files.
Use the (always up-to-date) Vorbis Encoder from the Winamp Essential Pack instead! :-) - November 14, 2010 by DJ Egg
Latest version? - Does this encorder use libVorbis 1.1.2 and libOgg 1.1.3 from Xiph Foundation or earlier versions? - June 23, 2007 by Hank Daniels
Great plug-in... - Same as my searches for a flac ripper. I searched google for a ogg cd ripper but the only ones I came accross were trials! Yeh right, Like I was going to Pay to use opensource formats! This plugin solves the problem! Thanks, Danny :) - March 21, 2006 by Danny Blanche
Super fast, super high quality - I'm using the experimental codec - and it's fast. I've finally got the right codec and am encoding my entire CD collection. Definitely worth a download! - September 10, 2005 by Antonio Remedios
if troubled I wont find another disaster.. - ehueuh i heard ogg vorbis about a month ago but ive been fighting against my "cute" trojans!!Anyway ,I havent run ?t yet but gave five cause of known before.. The only bad thing is Winamp's library is too bad to use:( - September 7, 2005 by Leviathen Black
Excellent! - This plug-in is excellent! It combines best of both: The quality is far better than mp3 (average of 64 kbit is almost as good as 128 kbit mp3) and in the highest quality setting, even the most trained ears won't hear the difference! Also, it is way faster than ripping to mp3 Recommended to any WinAmp user! - August 25, 2005 by Sleepwalker Designs
Thanks for clarification - i wasn't aware that the settings represented VBR encoding. That said, i've used this plugin consistently since discovering it, and i love the quality it produces. Excellent work. - May 30, 2005 by joe t
SOOO SLOW! - Ogg, great format, so great infact that all my music is in Ogg. So when i heard about this i was excited, until it got running. This program will do a huge range of bit rates, but the problem i have with it is that its just too slow. Takes an hour to rip a CD to the highest bit rate, which is rediculous when you can get free software which can do the same task in 7 minutes. But if u dont care about time, then i would give it a shot. - May 15, 2005 by Tristan Kitchin
Answers to the previous reviews - Let's clarify some points... @Tristan Kitchin re: slowness It takes 6m30s to rip a full album on my 1400Mhz laptop. Either you're using the free version of Winamp (which is limited to 2x ripping...), or you're experiencing a problem with your CD-drive (maybe it is in PIO mode or something like that...). @Lewy H re: the guy on the picture The picture is Gutenberg (and its recognisable doubled beard), the nickname I use for years on the Internet, including on this forum. And yes it comes from a joke about a poor printing job I'm not particularly proud of :-D @joe t re: CBR only mode You're wrong, it's VBR only, which is the best mode ;-) Indeed, there is no real CBR mode with vorbis (you can eventually see some kind of constrained VBR for streaming purposes, but no more). The displayed bitrate is what's called the "nominal bitrate", which is continually modified during the encoder process depending of the richness of the sound to encode. By the end of the encoding job, the final average bitrate should be very close to the nominal one. In short, this encoder is giving the best possible with Vorbis. @the others I'm happy you're happy with this plug-in :-) - May 15, 2005 by Michael Facquet
Why is Bin Laden there? - Ogg Vorb files are k00l! take my word for it! supposedly lossless, although i haven't researched the technology myself.... but one question... Why is there a picture of Bin Laden for this plugin? - April 13, 2005 by Lewy H
n1 - Nice job! I couldn't help thinking how will do this....and you did! - March 19, 2005 by Arseni Romanov
Great! why does it have a five star rating from the staff?... - This is so cool i hope to see more from you! - March 14, 2005 by GrphixSkinz Inc.
Great Plug-In flawless Ogg - I just downloaded this and it works great. Set setting to highest 10 and encoded 3 cds and burnt to a cd-r. Place it in my old Liteon LVD-2001 with the last and most recent firmware that supports Ogg. Played flawless with the highest bit setting and supported the long filenames. Winamp is the best, Ogg and Ipod plug-in support. Hooked up to a Logitech Z-2300 speakers and a small color television. Ultraquiet Ogg Player setup. - February 28, 2005 by Ed Hoarse
A perfect encoder - I don't understand why this doesn't come bundled with WinAmp by default. It's that good. - February 26, 2005 by Maimon Carter
??????? ???? - ????? ??????? ?????? ? ???????? ???????. - February 19, 2005 by maroder _
Finally, but not full - Have been waiting for this encoder since I got Winamp. However, it's a pretty rudimentary version. Only allows control over the constant bitrate, whereas Ogg offers the same VBR, Stereo, etc. controls as MP3. But hey, at least it's a start. - February 8, 2005 by joe t
title - comment - January 24, 2005 by TBC 1230
A great encoder. - I was wondering why winamp didn't come with an ogg encoder. The one here is awesome! I'm using the experimental one from the user's home page without a single hiccup. For those that don't know it, ogg encoders can be free, since the underlying codec is totally free. Why other media players (ie: Microsoft media player and Apple iTunes) don't support it is beyond me. - January 15, 2005 by Maimon Carter
Good Prog - really very nice one - January 13, 2005 by Tony Potato
Very good addition - Simple to install and use. Fast too! - January 13, 2005 by Robin Tregaskis
Download link broken - It seems there are some problems with the Nullsoft download server at this time. Until this issue is solved, you can get the Ogg-Vorbis encoder at my personal page: http://www.facquet.com/rubrique69.html (copy and paste this link in your browser's address bar). Sorry for the inconvenience, Michael - January 12, 2005 by Michael Facquet
Wonderful plugin - Simple and easy to use. No confusing 'legacy' options (unlike a certain other encoder :p), just a quality slider. If you're new to Vorbis start with quality 4 and move up or down depending on whether you're able to hear a difference to the original. PS as long as the server/database is acting up look for it in the forum (Community > Winamp Discussion). - January 12, 2005 by gaekwad 2